Disaster Emergency Relief

This page includes resources for responding to the relief effort for the latest disasters and emergencies.

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  • Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

    The Samaritan’s Purse International Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) program is committed to meeting the critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease, and natural disaster. We stand ready to respond at a moment’s notice whenever and wherever disaster strikes. The DART specialises in providing water, food, shelter, and medical care while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
  • First Rock

    First Rock provides Operational assistance, Hostile Environment training, Security Surveys and Crisis Management for the Missionary and Aid Agency communities and Media organisations.
    Tel: +44 7809 689987
    Location: Bangor, N. Ireland
  • Samaritan's Purse International

    Samaritan's Purse UK is an international relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in need across the world.
    Tel: 020 8559 2044
    Location: Buckhurst Hill, Essex
  • Anytime Doctor Travel Pack

    The Anytime Doctor Travel Pack is a doctor designed medical bag to treat illnesses abroad. It is intended for travellers who wish to have a standby medical bag containing prescription only medication, sterile dressings, sterile gauzes and sterile needles. Our packs go above and beyond first aid kits available over the counter.
    Location: Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire
  • Church World Service Training

    This US based organisation provide resources, training materials and advice for dealing with emergency and relief situations. Much of their material is available through their website.
    Tel: +1 800 297 1516 (USA)
    Location: Elkhart, IN, United States
  • Crisis Response Network

    The Crisis Response Network is a Christian-based NGO that coordinates a network of partners for a strategic, compassionate and sustainable response before, during and after a crisis.
  • International Aid

    Based in the US, this organisation can provide new and refurbished medical equipment to missions anywhere in the world. For blood and urine analysis, including HIV/AIDS diagnosis, they have a Lab-In-A-Suitcase? kit.
    Tel: +1 800 968 7490 (USA)
    Location: Spring Lake, MI, United States
  • Medair UK

    Medair brings life-saving relief and rehabilitation in disasters, conflict areas, and other crises by working alongside the most vulnerable.
    Tel: 020 8772 0100
    Location: Kennington Park, London
  • Redr UK

    RedR, from regional hubs, provides training, tailored support and technical expertise to NGOs, aid workers and communities responding to humanitarian crises.
    Tel: 020 7840 6000
    Location: London
  • ReliefWeb

    ReliefWeb is the world's premier electronic clearinghouse for those needing timely information on humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters - designed specifically to help the humanitarian community improve its response to emergencies.
  • Tearfund

    Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency building a global network of churches to help eradicate poverty.
    Tel: 020 3906 3906
    Location: Teddington
  • Tearfund Learn - Disasters and Crises

    Effective disaster response is important, but so is prevention. We focus on reducing the risk of disaster happening in the first place.
  • The New Humanitarian

    The New Humanitarian puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. We report from the heart of conflicts and disasters to inform prevention and response.
    Location: Switzerland