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More informationThis section is designed to help you explore your God given calling.
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Book Reviews
"It's a very easy to read and practical book, with an appendix of tools to help you, including spiritual gifts questionnaires, personality tests and study questions".
Reviewed by Mike Frith
"Any individual's search for guidance and information on becoming a cross-cultural worker will be all the richer after reading this book". A review of this book by John McVay. Reviewed by Cheryl Frith.
Reviewed by Cheryl Frith
"This book will serve as a useful tool in the hands of the staff of evangelical Colleges and Mission agencies with responsibility for the selection of candidates". A review of this book by Robin Wells. Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Darrell Jackson.
Reviewed by Rev. Dr. Darrell Jackson
"Searching to Serve is a useful resource for mission organisations as they consider developing their website or other online channels for enquirers". A review of this book by James Nelson with Carla Foote. Review by Mike Frith.
Reviewed by Mike Frith