Turkey & Syria Earthquake Response

Christian organisations that have launched appeals or who are involved in the earthquake relief effort in Turkey & Syria.

  • Operation Mobilisation

    Established in 1957, OM (Operation Mobilisation) is a dynamic, international Christian missions movement. We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.
    Tel: 01691 773388
    Location: Oswestry, Shropshire
  • Samaritan's Purse International

    Samaritan's Purse UK is an international relief and development organisation that works through local churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in need across the world.
    Tel: 020 8559 2044
    Location: Buckhurst Hill, Essex
  • Barnabas Fund

    Barnabas Fund works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians.
    Tel: +441672564938
    Location: Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • Care and Relief for the Young

    We are an international Christian children’s charity with the mission to empower children to rise beyond poverty under the leadership of local champions.
    Tel: 01489 788 300
    Location: Southampton, Hants
  • Christian Aid

    Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We work to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change, and help people claim the services and rights they are entitled to.
    Tel: 020 7620 4444
    Location: London
  • Embrace the Middle East

    Embrace the Middle East is a Christian charity with over 170 years' experience helping people of all faiths and none to free themselves from a life of poverty and injustice, through healthcare, education and community development projects.
    Tel: 01494 897950
    Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
  • Frontiers

    Established in 1983, Frontiers seeks, with love and respect, to invite all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.
    Tel: 0303 3335051
    Location: High Wycombe
  • Global Aid Network UK

    Global Aid Network (GAiN) is a worldwide relief and development organisation first established in 1998, that has since grown to nine resource offices working together in nearly forty countries.
    Tel: 0121 765 4404
    Location: Birmingham
  • Medair UK

    Medair brings life-saving relief and rehabilitation in disasters, conflict areas, and other crises by working alongside the most vulnerable.
    Tel: 020 8772 0100
    Location: Kennington Park, London
  • Tearfund

    Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency building a global network of churches to help eradicate poverty.
    Tel: 020 3906 3906
    Location: Teddington
  • World Vision

    World Vision International is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.
    Tel: 01908 841000
    Location: Milton Keynes