Israel & Gaza Crisis

A list of links and Christian organisations that are involved in either side of the crisis in Israel & Gaza. If you know of others, please let us know.

  • A prayer for Israel and Palestine

    The Evangelical Alliance has published a prayer that you can pray along with.
  • Christian Aid

    Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. We work to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change, and help people claim the services and rights they are entitled to.
    Tel: 020 7620 4444
    Location: London
  • Christian Friends of Israel

    We are a non-denominational Christian organisation, seeking to lift up the name of Jesus in all we do to bless His Jewish brethren and share the message of His love both for Israel and the Church.
    Tel: 01323 410810
    Location: Eastbourne, East Sussex
  • Church's Ministry Among Jewish People

    CMJ UK (the Church's Ministry among Jewish People) is a Christian Charity that has over 200 years of history in the UK, Israel and elsewhere around the world.
    Tel: 01623 883960
    Location: Farnsfield, Notts
  • Embrace the Middle East

    Embrace the Middle East is a Christian charity with over 170 years' experience helping people of all faiths and none to free themselves from a life of poverty and injustice, through healthcare, education and community development projects.
    Tel: 01494 897950
    Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
  • Friends of the Holy Land

    Our mission is to secure a resilient and enduring community for Christians in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan
    Tel: 01926 512980
    Location: Kenilworth, Warwickshire
  • Global Hand

    Global Hand is an initiative seeking to connect material resources with areas of need internationally.
    Tel: 020 3389 7177
    Location: Shoreditch, London
  • Tearfund

    Tearfund is a Christian relief and development agency building a global network of churches to help eradicate poverty.
    Tel: 020 3906 3906
    Location: Teddington
  • The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry

    This is a worldwide Christian ministry dedicated to the support of Israel, the Jewish people, and the message of the Messiah. The FOI web site features current news from Israel, articles from Israel, 'Israel My Glory' magazine, Real Audio radio programs, a secure web store, and information on the ministries of The Friends of Israel.
    Location: Bellmawr, New Jersey, United States
  • World Vision

    World Vision International is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.
    Tel: 01908 841000
    Location: Milton Keynes