Other Religions

Resources to help outreach to peoples of other faiths.

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Algeria is a Muslim country with few Christians. Those from a Muslim background are fewer still. Most of the country is effectively unreached by the gospel. How can the people have an opportunity to hear of the Saviour? Just by chance a Muslim in the country called Hussein heard a Christian...
In 2007 I was running a very successful property business. We were the middlemen buying and selling new build apartments from plan before a spade was even put into the ground. As the business grew, my lifestyle became more and more lavish - nice house, kids in private schools and...
Devotion to God is expressed outwardly in Islam. A man with a long beard and no moustache demonstrates how closely he desires to emulate the life of his Prophet by choosing to look like him. The head covering for a woman is a clear indication of her submission. Reciting the...
Confrontation is a frequent feature of Christian-Muslim encounter. Both faiths are missionary religions, Christians obligated by the Great Commission to share the gospel with the unsaved, Muslim compelled by the responsibilities of da'wah (Islamic mission) to seek the conversion of non-Muslims. This is especially true in the West, since Islamic...
The Need During the 1990s British church attendance shrank by 10%. Clearly 'church', as we have known it, has more past than future. Is the church trying to serve a Britain that no longer exists? We have become a 'post-Christian' ,'post-modern' and 'pluralist' society, which includes nearly two million Muslims....

Book Reviews

A summary of this book by Shaun Lambert about the influence of Buddhism on Western culture, psychology and spirituality.
"The book is not an introduction to Islam. It is a book for those who have a passion for the "grace and truth" approach to Christian/Muslim relationships and those who want to understand this school of thought in all its compassionate diversity.". A review of this book which aims to 'uncover the best Christian responses to Islam in Britain', edited by Steve Bell and Colin Chapman. Reviewed by Keith Fraser-Smith.
Reviewed by Keith Fraser-Smith
This review of Robin Thomson's book was first published at http://saf.eauk.org/SouthAsianForum/engaging-with-hindus.cfm and is reproduced here with permission.
"There is some good stuff here; some fantastic stories and with a bit more work, it could have been an excellent book. As it stands, I find it hard to recommend that anyone buy it". A review of this book by James Andrews with Emma Newrick. Reviewed by Eddie Arthur.
Reviewed by Eddie Arthur
"This book... would be particularly helpful to anyone who is considering working with Muslims or in Muslim lands, long or short term. I would also like to see it used in churches to promote reflection on mission and prayer. The discussion section, in the middle of the book, could be used well in house groups.". A review of this book edited by E J Martin. Reviewed by John.
Reviewed by John
  • Al Massira

    Al Massira is a course which aims to take small groups of friends on a similar journey to discover answers that are relevant for today's world and reveal the true identity of the Messiah.
    Location: London
  • Answering Islam

    Christian answers to Muslim objections and questions. Sections in English and 28 other languages.
  • Applied Biblical Christianity

    ABC members come from many ethnic backgrounds. We are united with the purpose of seeing the gospel be brought to Muslims through our personal witness and our encouragement and facilitating of neighbourhood evangelism by local churches
  • Biblical Missiology

    Muslim evangelism methodology, contextualization, etc.
    Location: Boulder, CO, United States
  • Christian Way

    This site is intended to be a resource and encouragement for all those in the UK who have left Christian Science or who may still have relations or connections with it. Also a helpful site for those working amongst Christian Scientists.
  • Come Follow Me - Advisor Training for a small group

    Gather a small group and study together to use our Come Follow Me discipleship course for believers from a Muslim background. This training will equip you to:
    - understand the course design and method of Come Follow Me
    - lead group discussion using the Advisor Guide
    - plan to start a course in your area.
    It also touches on cultural issues for believers of Muslim Background.
    Location: Birmingham
  • Come Follow Me discipleship course for believers of Muslim background

    Our popular course is available in many languages as study books and via a web-app platform.
    Come Follow Me helps new believers from a Muslim background to:
    • put down deep roots in Christ
    • be transformed in their thinking and lifestyle, as God’s Word interacts with their old worldview
    • learn inductive study by going all the way through one book of the Bible
    • grapple with practical issues of following Christ in a Muslim setting
    Find out more at https://come-follow-me.org/about
    Location: Birmingham
  • Encountering Muslims

    Encountering Muslims is for the person who:
    - wants to explore the world and the complex diversity of people and culture
    - desires to gain understanding about Muslims and others who are different
    - seeks to initiate and build relationships confidently
    Location: Littleton, CO, United States
  • Joining the Family - be equipped to welcome believers from other backgrounds

    Equip your church to ‘be family’ for believers from a Muslim background. The Joining the Family course will help you compassionately understand issues they may face, learn how to care for them and help them grow in Christ, and be enriched by their insights, ministry gifts and cultures. The course consists of 6 sessions with inspiring testimonies from 25 interviews with believers and experienced mentors speaking from the heart.
    Location: Birmingham
  • Kitab

    Kitab is the provider of books, literature, cds and dvds in more than 35 languages to help serve Christians in their outreach to peoples of other faiths.
    Tel: 03333 601 600
    Location: Birmingham
  • Pray in privacy: apps for Muslims that respect your personal data

    Following news reports about popular Muslim prayer apps selling user data to third parties, including the US military, Comparitech decided to take a deeper look at apps for Muslims to find out which ones respect your privacy and which are best avoided.
  • Reachout Trust

    Reachout Trust is an international Christian ministry that upholds biblical truth and builds bridges to those in the cults, occult, new age and new religious movements.
    Tel: 0203 196 2391
  • Real Honour

    A hub for Muslims who have decided to leave Islam and follow Jesus Christ.
  • The Right Way

    The Right Way is unique in that it is led by Christians who have a Muslim background. We call them MBBs (Muslim background believers). The Right Way works to build-up and to strengthen the MBBs in their new found faith and walk with Jesus Christ.
    Tel: 07803503202
  • Word of Life

    Helping new believers from a Muslim background to grow from first steps into a mature faith, becoming disciples and disciple-makers. 
    Tel: 01212936031
    Location: Birmingham