Bible Related Resources

  • EasyEnglish

    EasyEnglish is clear and plain English that is easy to read.  EasyEnglish is good for people whose first language is not English.  EasyEnglish is also good for people with learning difficulties.

    The EasyEnglish Bible is freely available on the internet and in the YouVersion Bible App for mobile phones.  The EasyEnglish Bible and other resources can be used by organisations who help to take the Good News to people all over the world.
    Location: Evesham, Worcestershire
  • The Bible in Simple French for Everyone

    La Bible En Français Simple Pour Tout Le Monde.

    The Bible in Simple French for Everyone is clear and easy-to-read. It is very good for people with limited education. This Bible is a translation that expresses the meaning of the original message in a clear, accurate and natural way. It is free and available online.

    Go to our easy-to-use website in French. Then you can read the New Testament online; print a pdf file to read on paper; or download an app for your android smartphone or tablet.
  • Word@Work

    Word@Work is a unique expository devotional study of the whole New Testament. It is delivered by email giving a few Bible verses each day with explanation, application and prayer. The app contains the whole New Testament commentary for personal and group use and sermon preparation.
    Location: Banstead, Surrey
  • World Bibles

    A huge index that lists over 17,000 Bibles in 4000 plus languages. It has direct links to sites where you can get Bibles on-line, audio Bibles, video Bibles, braille, printed Bibles and free download. Excellent for cross-cultural outreach, and for friends who speak other languages.
    Location: Evesham, Worcestershire
  • AudioTreasure

    From the AudioTreasure website you can download the Scriptures in the popular mp3 audio format and find links to Bible audio resources in many languages. The free files on this site are narrated from the World English Bible or from the American Standard Version 97 update.
  • Bible & Missions

    You may already know a lot about the Bible, but you may be surprised by some of what you'll learn in this course. It'll revolutionize your Bible reading with new insights! Some of what you'll learn:
    What is the most important theme of the Bible - to God? What is God's goal for us, and can we do anything to help? What's meant by God's "Redemptive" and "Kingdom" programmes? The Bible says we have been blessed to be a blessing.
  • Bible Based ESL

    Bible based resources for use by those who have English as a second language.
  • Bible Gateway

    The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading scripture online. Additionally, it provides advanced searching capabilities, allowing readers to find particular passages in scripture, based on keywords. Numerous versions and fourteen different languages are available.
  • Bible Gateway Audio Bibles

    Audio Bibles are available from the Bible Gateway in various versions and different languages.
  • Bible Lessons International

    Bible Lessons International is a non-profit Bible study ministry based in Marshall, Texas.

    Looking for a Bible Commentary? Bible Lessons International has audio, video, and written commentaries on nearly every passage in the Bible.
    Location: Marshall, Texas, United States
  • Bible Study Guide For All Ages

    Bible curriculum for families and classes that actually studies the Bible! Use time lines, maps, games, drills, a built in review system, songs, application ideas and more to help children and adults understand the Bible and apply it to their lives.
    Location: Russellville, AR, United States
  • Bible Trivia

    I’ve created several Bible Trivia pages that can be used as tools for Youth Ministry, Bible Study, or at-home learning. So far, I’ve created a Kid’s Bible Trivia, New Testament, and Old Testament trivia pages, and I’m currently writing new questions for each of the sections. All of my Bible trivia quizzes are 100% free to use.
  • Bible-Reflections

    Bible Reflections brings together biblical material in a way that is structured and easily accessible to determine both its meaning and life application.

    A directory of online bibles, in several languages, and bible reference material.
  • Biblical

    This is a UK based website that is designed to help you study the Bible.
  • Christianity Explored

    Christianity Explored presents the Gospel and trains people worldwide to share it.
  • Church resources on drugs

    Activities - including sermon outlines and bible studies - for use by the church. All downloadable from our website.
    Tel: 02079280848
  • Community Bible Study International UK

    CBS exists to make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ in our communities, through in-depth, caring Bible Studies available to all.
    Tel: 01904 339746
    Location: York
  • Creation to New Creation

    Written by a 'lay-person', this website provides a Bible overview incorporating basic theology - a simple but complete Bible training course. It's available as illustrated PDFs, and in audio and video media. It may be used by those speaking English as their mother tongue or a second language, for example, in churches and Bible schools. All material is free.
  • Emmaus Bible School UK

    Emmaus Bible School UK is committed to providing Bible study instruction by way of distance learning, to equip Christian men and women to fulfil their role in the 'Great Commission'.
    Tel: 0151 352 9269
    Location: Liverpool, Merseyside
  • End Poverty 2030

    End Poverty 2030, an expression of the Micah Global Network, has been formed to engage, equip and empower the church to help end extreme poverty by 2030. The site has Biblical reflection, discussion questions and action point on each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
    Tel: 020 8462 5256
    Location: West Wickham, Kent
  • Ethnic Harvest

    This site provides a list of people groups categorised by country and language.
  • FREE Bible Commentary

    FREE online Bible commentary containing over 8,000 pages of verse by verse exegetical OT & NT commentaries as well as OT & NT Surveys. It also includes Bible commentaries in Bengali, French, Portugese, Serbian, Slovakian & Urdu.
  • Grow Faith Co.

    Grow is a Christian mobile app on a mission to nurture and empower the faith of the up-and-coming generation through a supportive, uplifting social community as well as devotional plans, worship songs, prayers, photos and memes.
    Location: Reading
  • Living & Telling

    Living & Telling is Agapé's flagship training resource, designed to encourage and inspire you to help people discover Jesus together.
    Location: Birmingham
  • Living Breath Productions

    We are UK-based Christian video production company bringing the very words of the Bible to life to help you, your churches and your communities engage afresh.
    Tel: 07722793132
    Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire
  • Logos Bible Study App

    The Logos Bible Study app contains a powerful Bible study and sermon prep platform that allows you to study Scripture and consult commentaries, devotionals, Bible dictionaries, and more—all from your computer, tablet, or phone.
  • Manna Publications

    Manna Publications (UK) provides Bible commentaries that are easy to read and understand. They are written by ex-missionary Fred Morris who explains the truth of God based on the New International Readers Version of the Bible.
    Tel: 01343 200588
  • MegaVoice

    MegaVoice serves the global Church with affordable, technologically advanced solar powered audio Bibles and digital accessories.
    Tel: 1-800-219-1758
  • Olive Tree Bible Software

    Olive Tree Bible Software provides Bible versions and study tools for iPhone, Palm OS, Pocket PC, Smartphone and Symbian cell phones, and BlackBerry devices. Includes Bible Reader software. The reader and some versions are FREE!
  • Precious Seed Online

    This magazine is a resource for Christian Brethren and Brethren Assemblies. The website enables you to search all the articles, devotionals and bible studies.
  • RightNow Media

    RightNow Media is a streaming library of over 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people.
    Location: McKinney, TX, United States
  • Scripture Engagement

    This website is a great starting place for looking for practical tools, resources and links relating to Scripture Engagement, which refers to anything that helps people get into God's Word. This covers everything from children's ministries to music, from media resources to Bible study materials. It has a particular focus on tools for Scripture Engagement in developing countries, but isn't restricted to that.
  • SEAN International

    SEAN International is a foundation dedicated to writing Bible courses for TEE (Theological Education by Extension). These courses are licensed or sold to Churches or Bible Institutes to enable God's people in discipleship, evangelism and ministry.
    Tel: 01342 322825
    Location: East Grinstead, West Sussex
  • Society for English Learning Through Biblical Literature

    Formed in 2008 by a group of professionals and university lecturers. What essentially links us together is the vision and passion of promoting English literacy through the study of an important origin of English literature - the Bible.
  • Teach Sunday School

    Discover Hundreds of Printable Bible Lesson Plans, Study Materials, & Activities That Make God's Word Come Alive for Kids, Teens, & Adults.
  • Tearfund Learn

    Thousands of free resources for people all over the world who are working to end poverty and injustice.
    Location: Teddington
  • The Discover Network

    The Discover Network exists to enable people to discover the Bible for themselves and equip them to do the same.
  • The International School of The Bible

    ISOB has a web site that offers books and over 100 lessons for free downloading in Acrobat Reader (pdf). ISOB is a Bible school curriculum being used for discipleship and church planting in several African countries and Haiti (Mostly in English, but a few lessons in French and Swahili). All the details are available on their web site for free Bible study and Bible school materials. Materials also available on CD for computer reproduction if web access is a problem.
  • Time for Change Ministries

    Resources to help prisoners know Christ and follow him. Time For Change resources are written in a way that clearly expounds the passage and presents the gospel, while taking into account certain factors that specifically affect prisoners. The result is an interactive and engaging presentation of the Bible.
  • Tyndale House STEP Bible

    STEP Bible is packed full of features to help people study the Bible text, from reading and comparing different versions of the Bible to grappling with original language words, through using word clouds to track themes as they unfold in a book, STEP Bible can assist. 

  • Unfolding Word

    unfoldingWord is a collaborative project launched by Distant Shores Media in 2013 and currently managed in partnership with Wycliffe Associates and Roma Bible Society. Our vision is to see every people group with adequate biblical content, without restrictions, in every one of their languages.
    Location: Orlando, FL, United States
  • Word of Life

    Helping new believers from a Muslim background to grow from first steps into a mature faith, becoming disciples and disciple-makers. 
    Tel: 01212936031
    Location: Birmingham