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More informationThe following organisations can help facilitate your church to send a group on a mission vision trip or visit. Each of them will have a different emphasis, location or set-up, so you can choose which one best matches what your group is hoping to do.
Hope Filled Horizons
Hope Filled Horizons has a passion to help you to follow God's call on your life to empower the vulnerable, free the captive, engage the lost and to be encouraged as a leader as you serve your community.Email: admin@hopefilledhorizons.orgLocation: Corfe Mullen, Wimborne, Dorset -
Operation Mobilisation
Established in 1957, OM (Operation Mobilisation) is a dynamic, international Christian missions movement. We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. -
Reach Beyond
We are an international ministry that is passionate about reaching people who are far from Jesus. We deliver life-transforming projects in media and healthcare through thriving partnerships with local believers and churches. -
ReachAcross shares the Gospel with Muslims, serves in practical ways & disciples them to follow Jesus. We have short/long term opportunities across North Africa, the Red Sea region, Central and South Asia, Canada, the USA, Europe and in the UK. -
Arab World Ministries (AWM) is a ministry of Pioneers with a particular vision to glorify God by initiating church-planting movements among Muslim peoples of the Arab world.Web: www.awm-pioneers.orgEmail: awmuk@awm-pioneers.orgTel: 01509 239525Location: Loughborough, Leicestershire -
Established in 1983, Frontiers seeks, with love and respect, to invite all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus. -
Latin Link
Latin Link is an international 'community with a calling' to love and serve God and our neighbour, through multi-directional mission work in Latin America and Europe.Web: www.latinlink.org.ukEmail: info@latinlink.org.ukTel: 0118 957 7100Location: Reading, Berkshire -
Missionary Ventures
Our aim is to help inspire and involve people in His mission to impact and transform nations through Evangelism, Church planting, Leadership Training, Christian Education and Health and Community Development and a wide range of compassionate projects too. -
OMF International UK
We serve the church and seek to bring the gospel to all the peoples of East Asia. Our work is as diverse as the places and people we work in and amongst. -
Serving in Mission SIM-UK
Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ around the world. -
UFM Worldwide
UFM exists to support churches in making disciples of all nations. Our priorities are to take the gospel to the least reached and to serve under-resourced churches around the world. UFM is an evangelical, interdenominational mission.