General resources for children's education and school support
BBC Bitesize
Colourful interactive lessons for all ages.
Global Dimension
Global Dimension is the UK's leading global learning platform, supporting a community of educators to connect your students with themselves, others, and the planet. It includes a guide to books, videos, posters and websites with a global dimension. From climate change to poverty, water to fair trade, you can find resources for all age groups and subjects.
How2become Guide to GCSE Exams for Parents
This guide will help consolidate your knowledge of the basic principles behind GCSEs as well as offering helpful revision techniques and examinations advice.
School lesson plans for RSE (focus on drugs)
We bring many years experience of working in schools leading drug awareness workshops to our lesson plans. There are lesson plans and activities aimed at all key stages, and every activity and plan is linked to the national curriculum. There is a small charge of £30 per school to register for these resources. To find out more and download a free sample, go to our website.