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More informationLinks to UK based pastoral courses or events
This is a site all about Marriage. There is information on courses, advice and articles about all aspects of marriage, whether you're needing help in some areas or just interested in keeping your marriage 'alive' and 'on track'.
Web: www.2-in-2-1.co.uk -
Care for the Family
Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. -
Christian Mindfulness
Christian Mindfulness offer two highly recommended online courses that can be of benefit in personal and spiritual development especially in the areas of mental health and recovery from stress, burnout, anxiety and/or depression.Tel: 07761714144Location: Rosyth, Fife -
Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre
We are a small, friendly Christian Healing Centre where a warm welcome is offered to all. Situated just 4 miles from the coast in the Sussex High Weald. The beauty, peace and comfort of this place create an ideal setting in which to draw closer to God.Tel: 01424 830033Location: Battle, East Sussex -
Ellel Ministries
Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others. -
Ellel Ministries Healing Retreats
Ellel run a 3 day Healing Retreat based at one of their centres.Web: ellel.org/uk -
Ellel Ministries, UK & Ireland
Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry that began in England in 1986 and is now established in over 20 countries around the world. We look to serve the Body of Christ in two main ways - by offering personal prayer ministry to those in need and by training and equipping people so that they can help others more effectively. We offer a wide range of events and training from our 5 centres in the UK & Ireland. -
Penhurst Retreat Centre
A small Retreat Centre with a BIG heart for mission and member care offering a warm welcome and many home comforts. We offer debriefing throughout the year, personal retreats and a variety of led retreats and workshops specifically for folk in mission.Web: www.penhurst.org.ukEmail: info@penhurst.org.ukTel: 01424 892088Location: nr Battle, East Sussex -
Sheldon Retreat (Mary and Martha)
Sheldon is an independent retreat house with anglican roots, an ecumenical outlook and an inclusive ethos. It is run by a mixed lay community providing good space open to all, plus specialist resources for people in ministry. -
The Greenhouse Christian Centre
The Greenhouse is a Christian Retreat Centre open to all, a mile from stunning Dorset beaches, a place of peace in the rush of today's world. Full board, half board or B & B. Most rooms en-suite, 10% reductions for those in full-time ministry. -
Time for Marriage
We run Time for Marriage weekends throughout the year in different locations and online. Our vision and passion is to see marriages renewed and strengthened.