
This section has information on those who provide member care services or advice to mission workers.

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Team Dynamics (How can we move forward together?) Most of us have been part of a team at some point in our lives. Teams come together around a common purpose. We understand that teams can achieve more than an individual can. When teams are running well the energy is high, capacity...
Cowering by the radiator in my mother’s home, wrapped in my large pink fluffy dressing gown, was my first experience of reverse culture shock. In my early twenties I had spent time living and working in a South East Asian Orphanage for children with disabilities. Being immersed daily into poverty,...
Practice of taking a Sabbath? In my life prior to being a full -time missionary I had not ever considered the principle of taking a Sabbath , but quickly became aware of what it can be like to be a full -time Christian worker. The demands are great, we set our...
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Building resilience is the ability to bounce back after difficult events. How do we increase our ability to remain resilient when facing adversity. Mission workers are often under great pressure, there is little time to switch off, and maintaining healthy boundaries can become challenging. The nature of working within mission...
If we are any kind of leader someone is going to be unhappy with something we have or haven’t done, something we’ve said or a decision we’ve made. It can leave us feeling discouraged and angry. How do we handle it? WHAT TO DO The first thing to do is consider whether...
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Book Reviews

"If you consider yourself a member carer, or if you want to explore any issues related to missionary wellbeing, then this is a great book to have at your fingertip". A review of this member care guide book by Laura Mae Gardner. Reviewed by Mike Frith.
Reviewed by Mike Frith
"Be warned - this book is dynamite, blowing excuses and ignorance to smithereens". A review of this book by Marina Prins and Braam Willemse. Reviewed by Joy Piper.
Reviewed by Joy Piper
"The book covers so much ground and provides so many practical tips that even if your church has a well-developed strategy for missionary care, there's probably something here that you can use". A review of this book by David J Wilson. Reviewed by Marti Wade.
Reviewed by Marti Wade