Mission Membercare Services

Information on those who provide member care services or pastoral advice to mission workers. 

  • HealthLink360

    HealthLink360 is a clinic situated 8 miles from Edinburgh. We specialise in healthcare for mission and humanitarian workers and their agencies, offering psychological and medical support. Services are also available to church leaders and individuals.
    Tel: 0131 653 6767
    Location: Carberry, Musselburgh
  • High Meadow Retreat

    High Meadow is a small residential retreat centre near Exeter in the beautiful southwestern county of Devon. We offer tailored counselling and coaching in a place of outstanding natural beauty to support Christian workers at all stages of their ministry.
    Location: Exeter, Devon
  • Member Care Media (MCM)

    Member Care Media (MCM) is a media ministry of TWR especially prepared for Cross-Cultural Workers around the globe whose obedience to the Great Commission has taken them to difficult places. It is our goal to encourage, enhance and enable these workers in their places of calling so that they will stay effective and fulfilled.
    Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Place of Springs, Andalusia, Spain

    We support people by providing leadership development, debriefing, spiritual direction, and through facilitating residential as well as wilderness retreats, including sabbatical stays.
    Location: Andalusia, Spain
  • Arrest

    Drs D Hawker (clinical psychologists in Nottingham, UK) offer Assessments, Retreats, Reviews, Education, Supervision, Therapy (for adults and children).
    Tel: 0115 9727169
    Location: Long Eaton, Notts
  • Association Pierres Vivantes Entrepierres, Sisteron, France

    Our purpose is caring for those who serve and serving those who care. Helping Christian cross-cultural workers and national Christian leaders serving in the French-speaking world maintain and renew their health and their passion for ministry. Specifically those serving in French-speaking Europe and elsewhere within the French-speaking world. We are quiet a secluded place in the mountainous countryside of Upper Provence, South-Eastern France. The nearest town is Sisteron.
    Location: Sisteron, Upper Provence, France
  • Australians in Mission Together

    For over 110 years, AMT has been educating, motivating and facilitating Australians in mission together. AMT is a comprehensive service organisation caring for Christian workers sent out from CCCAust and Australian churches of Brethren heritage.
    Location: Mt Gravatt, Queensland, Australia
  • Barnabas International

    Barnabas International staff are passionate about shepherding global workers, and training global shepherds.
    Tel: ++815-395-1335
    Location: Elkhorn, WI, United States
  • Bethany, Hong Kong

    Bethany is a member care organisation for Christians and their families serving the Lord. Committed to providing rest, encouragement and restoration through appropriate physical, emotional, spiritual and counselling care.
    Tel: +852 2981 7114 (HONG KONG)
    Location: Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
  • Bob and Nancy Scott, Northern California, USA

    Debriefing, Training, and Rest for Missionaries and Pastors in the Mountains of Northern California. We provide international personnel with spiritual encouragement, emotional support, and training on interpersonal skills, spiritual growth, and team building.
    Location: California, United States
  • Caretakers

    We are here to serve you. To give you our attention. To listen to your story. To pray with you. So you can work effectively, live healthily, and grow closer to God.
    Tel: +420 607 985 823
    Location: Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • Catalyst Ministries

    Catalyst Ministries seeks to empower believers and churches to engage in the full Kingdom scope of the Great Commission (places, peoples, and life spheres). We provide coaching, training, missionary debriefing, and ministry resources. Based in West Wales
    Location: Wales
  • Colin and Ann Bulley

    Colin and Ann Bulley, former staff members of Redcliffe Mission Training Centre, are trained and experienced in supporting cross cultural mission workers and offer debriefing by phone, skype or face to face, free of charge. Colin is also trained as a spiritual director. Accommodation in their home in Goodwick, near Fishguard, on the west coast of Wales and 600 meters from the sea, is available for those who would like a short break.
    Tel: 01348 492050
    Location: Fishguard
  • Daybreak Academy Mauritius

    Daybreak serves as a tool (organisation) for the Love & Unity within the Global Body of Christ by developing Member care & Communication and by facilitating partnerships among Christians, churches and organisations.
    Tel: +230 59467517
    Location: Beau-Bassin, Mauritius
  • Ellel Ministries Norway

    Ellel Norway offers a number of courses and workshops throughout the year. Our main focus has been theme weekends and the new course series Explore. The courses provide a thorough and current approach to many of today's challenges.
    Tel: + 37 96 99 00
    Location: Norway
  • Ellel Ministries, Sweden

    ELLEL MINISTRIES SWEDEN is a non-community foundation with the purpose of providing Bible teaching, discipleship and pastoral care. We believe that every human being, as God's creation and as the object of Jesus' work of salvation, can be established to wholeness and security. We offer mental health care, teaching days and courses.
    Email: info@ellel.se
    Tel: 072-749 31 40
    Location: Sweden
  • Ellel Ministries, UK & Ireland

    Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry that began in England in 1986 and is now established in over 20 countries around the world. We look to serve the Body of Christ in two main ways - by offering personal prayer ministry to those in need and by training and equipping people so that they can help others more effectively. We offer a wide range of events and training from our 5 centres in the UK & Ireland.
    Tel: 01524 751651
  • Emmy Foundation

    The aim of the Emmy Foundation is to foster health, healing, and wellness through counselling, coaching, therapy and custom-made 'retreats' for Christian development workers, missionaries and pastors.
    Location: Poland
  • Epiphany Life Coaching

    Jenny Butter does Skype or telephone coaching with mission partners, clergy and aid workers worldwide. Life coaching is not counseling or therapy. Life coaching starts from the present and takes you into the future. Based in West Sussex.
    Tel: 07989 772816
    Location: Henfield, W. Sussex
  • Ergata: Space and Grace

    Mark and Judith Woolley (WEC International) host an informal, supportive place of "space and grace" where workers in mission from all backgrounds can rest, retreat or recover affordably in the face of fatigue, transition or unforeseen circumstances.
    Location: Carnforth, Lancs
  • Family Joy, Sweden

    I would love to meet you, your family or your group to help you find new ways to bring more joy into your lives and into your relationships. During conversations and group joy guidance , you can see how I work with individuals, couples, families and groups. I can meet you both where I am, where you are, or on skype. During seminars , you can read about knowledge and experiences I am happy to share with you, and theme days and retreats that I lead.
    Location: Sweden
  • Field Life, Malaysia

    Field Life offers care, coaching, and a guest house for global workers. Our guesthouse is in Malaysia and our work is done online and in-person as needed.
    Location: Malaysia
  • Fully Equipped Oasis, Berlin, Germany

    Fully Equipped Oasis (FEO) provides a safe space for missionaries, pastors and Christian aid workers to share their burdens—without fear of judgement or consequence—as a part of a restorative program designed to alleviate the pressures associated with a life dedicated to ministry.
  • Global Member Care Network

    The Global Member Care Network (GMCN) exists to resource, equip and connect internationally all Christian practitioners of member care at any level. It is a professional community in which mutual learning, training and sharing can take place.
  • Good Book Oasis, Slovakia

    Oasis Rest International offers hosted places of rest, retreat, and renewal (called Oases) for ministry leaders. Our guests have the option of utilizing coaching services when they visit an Oasis. So the Oasis can be a place of rest and refreshment to you and your family. And I would be glad to discuss Childrens’ Education or MK issues with you if you desire. I would also be able to coach you in an issue you want to process for perspective, resolution or new direction.
    Location: Vrbovce, Slovakia
  • Heartstream Resources

    The Heartstream Model of Holistic Care is designed to serve global workers. Our emphasis is on whole person healing, restoration to service, and the promotion of healthful living.
    Location: Winston-Salem, NC, United States
  • Heilbronn MemberCare Center

    Intercultural competence, Psychological therapy, Membercare experience, Mediation and skills of conflict management, Counseling and supervision abilities, Spiritual and theological resources, Organizational development consulting, Coaching.
    Tel: ++49 177 3644 150
    Location: Obersulm, Heilbronn, Germany
  • His Secret Place

    His Secret Place, a Ministry to Missionaries (M2M) is an international retreat to equip, encourage, empower and refresh missionaries from around the world in order to help them remain in their fields.
    Location: St. Andrews, NL, Canada
  • Hope Consultants International

    HCI is engaged in the following types of work: cross-cultural consulting, team building and conflict resolution, personal and leadership development, strategic planning and crisis management, reflective practice and logistical support. Based in Surrey.
    Location: Sutton, Surrey
  • InToMission

    At InToMission, we guide, coach and train people who, based on God's calling, want to make a difference in the lives of people worldwide. We offer them independent cross-cultural guidance during their preparation, deployment and return.
    Tel: +31 6 20 57 01 80
    Location: Netherlands
  • InTransit

    InTransit wants to contribute to building the Kingdom of God through its existence. We do this by providing psychological and medical guidance to sending organisations, (future) missionaries and development workers and their families based on our professionalism.
    InTransit offers the following services: Assessment, Accompaniment, Debriefing, Training, Consultancy, Medical advice and consultation, Guidance of (adult) Mission Kids/Third Culture Kids.
    Tel: +31 33 46 25 651
    Location: Netherlands
  • La Posado Training and Care

    La Posada Training and Care ​is a place for global workers (cross-cultural workers, pastors, humanitarian aid workers, etc.) to rest, to restore, to recalibrate. A place to learn and develop and grow.
    Tel: +34.652.144.783
    Location: Antequera, Andalusia, Spain
  • Le Rucher Ministries

    Le Rucher Ministries offers various Member Care services, including Debriefing (group retreats and individual) and training in Basic Debriefing and Crisis & Trauma Peer Response for member care providers, both at their centre in France and on the field.
    Tel: +33 450.28.03.81 (FRANCE)
    Location: Cessy, France
  • Living Well

    Living Well is a Christian organisation in Cambodia that provides professional and accessible clinical counselling and wellbeing services to people and organisations from all backgrounds, enabling them to thrive personally and relationally.
    Tel: +855 92 677 021
    Location: Thmey, Khan Sensok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Member Care Centres Worldwide

    Discover the various Member care/ Christian Counselling centres around the world through this site's listings.
    Location: Beau-Bassin, Mauritius
  • Member Care Journal

    A new journal aimed at Member Care providers, missionaries, and mission organisations.
  • Member care Portugal

    The Member Care Portugal ministry is an initiative that aims to provide comprehensive care, reaching the spiritual, emotional and physical areas of the lives of Christian leaders, pastors, missionaries and their families.
    Tel: +351 964 667 213
    Location: Portugal
  • Miila Consulting

    Individual and couples counselling, memberCare, training and workshops. Our approach integrates evidence-based practices and personalized strategies to support your unique needs. We believe in an empathy and compassion-first approach.
  • Missionary Care: Missions and Mental Health

    Ron Koteskey and his wife, Bonnie, offer on-field help to independent missionaries, to missionaries whose agencies have no one designated for missionary care, and to missionaries who would prefer talking with someone outside their agencies.
    Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States
  • Missionary Health Institute, Canada

    Intentional care for missionaries. The work is not limited to a medical examination, a travel consultation, or a counselling session. Our expert psychologists, travel medicine specialists, and family doctors provide integrated care.
    Tel: (416) 446-0762
    Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Missionary Upholders Trust

    Meeting the common unmet needs of missionaries in the area of health care, calamity relief, crisis relief, renewal of emotional and spiritual life, rest and recuperation, social spiritual welfare.
    Tel: +91 416 2260 368
    Location: Bagayam, Tamil Nadu, India
  • MTW Europe Member Care

    Links to Member Care resources.
  • n-Culture

    n-Culture is a network of practitioners who want to equip the Faith-Based Community with Intercultural Agility.
  • Narramore Christian Foundation

    NCF is a US-based, non-profit Christian organization serving throughout the world and dedicated to preventing and solving problems of underserved, global, cross-cultural Kingdom servants through seminars, education, the world-wide web, and literature.
    Tel: +1 626 821 8400
    Location: Arcadia, CA, United States
  • Nephesh Care, Switzerland

    Ernst & Lisbeth Hunziker offer various membercare services to missionaries and mission agencies. They are both trained counsellors and can offer pastoral care, marriage counselling, debriefing, on-line counselling, coaching, mentoring, mediation and help in re-entry.
    Location: Frauenfeld, Switzerland
  • New Song Christian Counseling

    We provide counseling support and missionary care to equip the saints so they can fulfill their calling to the fullest. It is our goal to come alongside individuals so they can be cared for spiritually and emotionally and thus be better equipped.
    Location: Malaga, Andalusia, Spain
  • New Song Christian Counseling

    New Song Christian Counseling and Missionary Care is a three-fold ministry providing Christian Counseling, Missionary Care to equip the saints so they can fulfill their calling to the fullest and Spiritual Formation to bring transformation into the lives of believers.
    Location: Kalavasos, Cyprus
  • Oasis Rest International

    With oasis locations around the world, we invite Christian leaders to take a 3-7 day retreat facilitated by a skilled host in a home setting. Experience the attentive hospitality of our skilled hosts as they lead you in a personalized retreat.
    Tel: +1 541 550 3732
    Location: Bend, OR, United States
  • One Another Ministries

    Providing professional training, consulting, counseling, and resourcing for the development and care of Christian Mission organizations and their members. Based in Staffordshire.
    Tel: 01543 878656
    Location: Cannock, Staffs
  • Penhurst Retreat Centre

    A small Retreat Centre with a BIG heart for mission and member care offering a warm welcome and many home comforts. We offer debriefing throughout the year, personal retreats and a variety of led retreats and workshops specifically for folk in mission.
    Tel: 01424 892088
    Location: nr Battle, East Sussex
  • Perspektivwechsel; Heilbronn area, Germany

    Astrid Scharnweber offers therapy, de-briefing and re-entry coaching and a range of counselling services, from her base in Germany
    Tel: 0177 3644 150
    Location: Obersulm-Willsbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Pippa Rossiter, Christian Coaching

    Pippa is a qualified Christian professional life/leadership coach, and offers support to anyone facing complexity such as grief or transition. She is a former head teacher and often coaches in education settings and churches. Based in Dorset.
    Location: Bournemouth, Dorset
  • Refresh International

    Refresh International offers debriefing for missionaries, aid workers, people in ministry and other cross-cultural workers. See our website for more information. Based in North Wales.
    Location: Llandudno, Conwy
  • RESAM, France

    RESAM (Réseau de Soutien au Ministère = Ministry Support Network) is a relatively new initiative developed by the Swiss and French Evangelical Alliance. It is for workers serving in French-speaking Europe. Its purpose is to help missionaries and pastors access a variety of providers and resources such as retreat houses, centres for debriefing, counsellors, mediators, organisational consultants, etc.
    Location: France
  • Restored and Renewed Ministry, France & USA

    This Ministry is for you, the Missionary, Minister, wife, family or child. It is about you, the worker, and family, in the field. We are here to serve you and your needs, to support you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is our goal to give you some R&R from the battlefield. Our services include counseling, retreats, team building seminars, and Bible study.
    Tel: 501-658-6193 (US)
    Location: Lafauche, Haute-Marne, France
  • Rev Dr Colin Lamb Counselling

    Colin has many years of experience in mission and missionary training with NTM and also as a Pastor. He offers counselling, supervision, and Member care of Pastors and Missionaries including debriefing.
    Tel: 01472 827242
    Location: Grimsby, Lincs
  • Sanctuary Inn, OR, USA

    Sanctuary Inn is a place where God’s global workers can come aside for healing and refreshment. Located in the Mt. Hood community of Welches, Oregon - at Sanctuary Inn our prayer is that weary global workers can find rest, recovery and restoration so they can continue in their service in God’s kingdom around the world.
    Tel: (503) 564-8012
    Location: Welches, OR, United States
  • SentWell

    Sent Well provides preventive and responsive care and resources for sending organizations, teams, and individuals. We are multidisciplinary, developmental and holistic in our practice.
    Location: Malaga, Spain
  • ServantCARE

    ServantCARE is an evangelical cross-denominational Christian ministry committed to serving missionaries, pastors, and those in ministry.
    Tel: +1 334-695-4043
    Location: Eufaula, AL, United States
  • Smart Culture

    Smart Culture exists to help organisations achieve success through realising their people potential and liberating leadership to develop a team culture where every team member is heard, is valued and is more productive.
    Tel: 07791755990
  • Sue Pratt Life Coaching and Debriefing, Herts.

    Sue Pratt is a trained life coach, and has worked with Youth With A Mission for 30 years, overseas (Liberia, West Africa and Europe) and in the UK. Sue can help missionaries returning home to process transition, settle the past, and decide on next steps.
    Tel: 07960 011830
    Location: Redbourne, Hertfordshire
  • The Haven Missionary Care Centre, NC, USA

    The Haven Missionary Care Center Guest House is situated in the small village of Eure in northeastern North Carolina. The property includes nearly 55 acres of farm and woodlands which is being developed for the purpose of ministry to missionaries. The Haven offers comfortable accommodation in a rural setting where Christian missionaries will find a haven of rest for the soul, refreshment for the body, and renewal for the spirit. To this end, we offer biblical counseling and debrief upon request.
    Tel: (252) 357-0863
    Location: Eure, NC, United States
  • The Juniper Tree, Thailand

    Since 1977, The Juniper Tree has been offering rest and refreshment for Christian workers in Asia, working in situations outside of their own culture. With two guesthouses in different locations within Thailand.
    Tel: +66 (0)53 140914
    Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • The More Network

    We facilitate care for singles, couples and families, particularly as they repatriate from the cross-cultural assignment, and facilitate the resourcing of member care support staff.
    Location: Canada
  • The Oaks Oasis, Umbria, Italy

    The Oaks Oasis in Italy provides a peaceful setting where you can be refreshed spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. They welcome all Christian workers to come for up to ten days to experience the Lord's peace. For reservations or inquiries please email Celeste at the address below.
    Location: Orvieto, Umbria, Italy
  • The Red Sea Counselling and Member Care Centre

    The Red Sea Counselling and Member Care Centre offers counselling, member care services, and training to Christian cross-cultural workers, past and present.
    Location: Manunda, Queensland, Australia
  • The Well, Thailand

    The Well is a Christian Member Care Center which promotes the well-being and effectiveness of Christian workers and organizations, as well as other Member Care providers in Chiang Mai and Asia.
    Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Thrive

    The mission of Thrive is to journey with women ministering overseas by providing spiritual resources, transformative experiences, and authentic one-on-one relationships to replenish them as they invest in Kingdom work.
    Location: Lakewood, CO, United States
  • Thrive Worldwide

    We are committed to serving by providing clinical, learning and consultancy services so that people and organisations thrive worldwide.
    Tel: 0203 974 1400
    Location: Marlow, Buckinghamshire
  • Tikvah Ministries Switzerland

    We continue our mission by offering pastoral care and training weekends. In doing so, we want to strengthen people in their hope and following Jesus and enable them to live and spread the good news.
    Tel: +41 61 643 71 08
    Location: Riehen, Switzerland
  • Tributary Retreat

    For Global Workers to find the rest and soul care they need to help them remember their calling, to be healthy and effective. Seven cabins on 175 acres in the beautiful Buffalo River area of the Ozark Mountains for rest, prayer, coaching, or debriefing.
    Tel: +12252453030
    Location: Buffalo River, Arkansas, United States
  • Tumaini Counselling Centre, Kenya

    The on-field counselling ministries of AIM, SIL, and affiliated organizations are based at Tumaini Counselling Center in Nairobi, Kenya. While we serve the members of these organizations, our services also support missionaries from over 160 like-minded agencies throughout Africa.
    Location: Nairobi, Kenya
  • Tumaini Counselling Centre, Uganda

    Tumaini Counselling Service in Kampala, Uganda, offers confidential clinical services which are available to any Christian missionary working in Africa. These range from clinical care to simply helping missionaries normalise the challenges and frustrations of missionary life.
    Tel: +256 787 522 868
    Location: Kampala, Uganda
  • Valeo

    We serve all Christian global workers (those sent to serve cross-culturally) and their immediate family members. Our primary services are counseling and psychiatry delivered online anywhere in the world (outside of the U.S.) where there is internet access. We serve clients all over Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. If you are located in the U.S. (outside of South Carolina), you will need to come to our office to receive counseling services.
    Tel: (803) 744-0841
    Location: Columbia, SC, United States
  • Walking In Their Shoes International (WITS)

    Our commitment is to provide care as a service to international Christian workers wherever they are in the world. This service is provided free to agencies and/or individuals and families. There are no charges for travel, services, or on-site expenses.
    Tel: +1 616 844 3360 (USA)
    Location: Grand Haven, MI, United States
  • YWAM International Member Care

    This website is a collection of notes, links and articles from the 7 major areas of care that we focus on. Take some time to browse through the pages and discover all that is available on each one. You will find many useful resources which you can access and also information on member care training that is available globally in YWAM.
    Location: Hideaway, Texas, United States