General Mission Training & Development

Information on general mission courses and events.

Book Reviews

"One of the most helpful books I have read on mission. I wish I had read something like this before heading off to the mission field myself and would see it almost as required reading for anyone intending to cross cultures to share the gospel". A review of this book by Andy McCullogh. Reviewed by Phil Jolley.
Reviewed by Phil Jolley
Janet Brown and Ruth MacBean have produced 'mission & me?', a flexible six week course ready to be used in churches to excite, inspire and challenge children & young people and their families, to be involved in God's Mission.
  • EnVision Course

    EnVision is 4-session group study resource created by All Nations Christian College. Designed for churches, and other Christian organisations, it uses video, discussion, online materials, personal reflection and optional activities to help people understand more about God’s mission.
    Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
  • OSCAR's 'Serving as Senders' Course

    Serving as Senders is aimed at those individuals and churches who want to support missionaries working overseas. Regular courses are held around the UK and Mike Frith is also willing to come to your church and conduct a weekend or day course on this theme. A one hour overview is also available.
    Location: Gloucester, Gloucs.
  • Allbelievers

    Allbelievers provide an online course entitled 'Mission: tradition confronts the future'. This eLearning course will help you to look at 21st Century culture and to consider how best to communicate the Gospel to others who know little of Christianity, its language or its foundations. It is based on the remarkable book Christianity Rediscovered, Vincent Donovan's story of mission to the Maasai people of Tanzania.
  • Australians in Mission Together

    For over 110 years, AMT has been educating, motivating and facilitating Australians in mission together. AMT is a comprehensive service organisation caring for Christian workers sent out from CCCAust and Australian churches of Brethren heritage.
    Location: Mt Gravatt, Queensland, Australia
  • BridgeTheGap

    Five online courses to enable you better to understand Hong Kong people.
  • Children in Families

    Children in Families (CIF) is a Christian local Cambodian NGO, registered with the Ministry of the Interior since 2009, dedicated to providing high-quality family-based care for orphans and vulnerable children in Cambodia.
    Tel: +855 31 4323 223
    Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • ChinaSource Quarterlies

    The ChinaSource Quarterly provides accurate, timely, and strategic analysis of the issues affecting the church and Christian ministry in China. As a platform for sharing diverse views from both within and outside China, it encourages proactive thinking and the development of effective approaches to Christian service in a rapidly changing China. The ChinaSource Quarterly helps those engaging with China stay current on the issues that matter to them and to those whom they serve.
  • Come Follow Me - Advisor Training for a small group

    Gather a small group and study together to use our Come Follow Me discipleship course for believers from a Muslim background. This training will equip you to:
    - understand the course design and method of Come Follow Me
    - lead group discussion using the Advisor Guide
    - plan to start a course in your area.
    It also touches on cultural issues for believers of Muslim Background.
    Location: Birmingham
  • Come Follow Me discipleship course for believers of Muslim background

    Our popular course is available in many languages as study books and via a web-app platform.
    Come Follow Me helps new believers from a Muslim background to:
    • put down deep roots in Christ
    • be transformed in their thinking and lifestyle, as God’s Word interacts with their old worldview
    • learn inductive study by going all the way through one book of the Bible
    • grapple with practical issues of following Christ in a Muslim setting
    Find out more at
    Location: Birmingham
  • Coram Deo

    The Coram Deo school online courses are designed to help Christians engage their communities in transforming ways.
    Location: Phoenix, AZ, United States
  • Didasko Academy

    Didasko Academy offers free, online, video-based training, covering all aspects of the world of missions. Courses are self-paced, can be done individually or in groups, and are taught by experienced instructors.
    Location: United States
  • Encountering Muslims

    Encountering Muslims is for the person who:
    - wants to explore the world and the complex diversity of people and culture
    - desires to gain understanding about Muslims and others who are different
    - seeks to initiate and build relationships confidently
    Location: Littleton, CO, United States
  • Evangelical Training Directory

    The Evangelical Training Directory aims to present the training of all evangelical Bible Colleges and worldwide. It is endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance.
    Tel: +44193583562
    Location: Dorchester, Dorset
  • Global Connections Training Directory

    Find training to prepare you for involvement in cross-cultural mission, church-based ministry, or for work with a Christian charity or mission agency in the UK or internationally.
    Location: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
  • Global Focus

    Global Focus exists to serve pastors and church leaders in their role of leading their local church to play its part in God's purpose of filling the nations with the knowledge of His Glory. Global Focus can help your church develop a heart for local & global mission.
    Location: Acworth, GA, United States
  • Global Mission in the Local Church course from Oak Hill

    This 12 week course is ideal for anyone interested in furthering their understanding and engagement in God's worldwide work today, including church leaders, mission committee members, mission agency workers, and missionaries-in-training.
    It is open for students outside of the UK to participate online.
    Location: Southgate, London
  • Introduction to Biblical Foundation Online Learning Course with Rok Kern Learning academy

    This is not an exhaustive theological course, but rather an overview of the fundamentals of faith and our response to living out the gospel through answering the call to justice & shalom.

    This course is to help build an understanding of how our faith leads us to respond, why it is integral to the gospel and our declaration of faith in Christ through a series of bible studies and reflections and to identify the difference approaches of serving and models of mission to countries around the world.
    Tel: +855 31 4323 223
    Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Joining the Family - be equipped to welcome believers from other backgrounds

    Equip your church to ‘be family’ for believers from a Muslim background. The Joining the Family course will help you compassionately understand issues they may face, learn how to care for them and help them grow in Christ, and be enriched by their insights, ministry gifts and cultures. The course consists of 6 sessions with inspiring testimonies from 25 interviews with believers and experienced mentors speaking from the heart.
    Location: Birmingham
  • Kingdom Expansion 101

    An innovative, six session, online introduction to local and global outreach. The course assignments can be completed anytime, day or night. This course is a high-quality, facilitated, online basic missions course that can be taken anywhere in the world. The curriculum provides a biblical and strategic framework to assist both churches and individuals in making informed decisions about their local and global outreach involvement.
    Location: Dana Point, CA, United States
  • Message School of Evangelism

    The Message School of Evangelism (MSE) is a 10-month training course that will grow your heart for those who don't yet know Jesus and develop your ability to reveal The Gospel from your lips and your life.
    Tel: 0161 946 2300
    Location: Sharston, Manchester
  • Mission & Me?

    Two exciting resources for your church to inspire everyone to get engaged with world mission and consider how they can get involved.
  • Missions 101

    Unlock the building blocks of missions to gain an understanding of the practical and doable task of missions.
    Together with The Bible and Missions and Roles in Frontier Missions, this course forms an in-depth overview of the world of missions.
  • MomentumYes

    MomentumYes is a free video series that will inspire and empower you to take the Good News to your neighbors and the nations.
  • Nexus Institute of Creative Arts

    Nexus ICA is called to be a premier, global Christian institute known for the integration of faith, discipleship and vocational training in the service of God’s people, His church and society.
    Tel: 024 7671 3209
    Location: Coventry, West Midlands
  • Partners in The Gospel

    A One-Hour Mini-Edition of the Best-Selling Book SERVING AS SENDERS~TODAY. An AudioBook
    Written & Narrated by Neal Pirolo.
    Location: San Diego, CA, United States
  • Perspectives

    Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a dynamic twelve lesson course which will introduce you to God's incredible purposes for all nations, and how you can find your part in his plans. Courses have taken place throughout the UK and it can also be conducted completely online.
    Location: Pasadena, CA, United States
  • Portantorchas, Costa Rica

    Portantorchas is a Bible School dedicated to training youth from all over the world in the knowledge of Christ through Bible teaching and discipleship. We are also committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus to men and women around the world.
    Tel: +506 2229-3584
    Location: San José, Costa Rica
  • Professional drug training for youth and family workers

    Hope UK offers two accredited, professional training courses. One is aimed at youth workers, the other at family workers. To find out more, please go to our website, or call us.
  • Ripon College Cuddeston

    With a residential community at its core, Cuddesdon has grown to be able to provide a broad range of full-time and part-time pathways and courses to meet the needs of people with different circumstances, stages of life, and academic experience.
    Tel: 01865 874404
    Location: Oxford
  • School of Missions Advocacy (SOMA)

    Discover how to inspire God’s people to fulfill their global destiny while being transformed into a fruitful and effective advocate for missions! This is an online, 8 week transformative training program is designed for passionate leaders committed to reaching the unreached and inspiring others to embrace the Great Commission. This program will equip you with the tools, insights, and strategies to become a powerful advocate for missions.
    Location: United States
  • Stories of Hope

    Latin Link have created two fantastic FREE resources, for children's ministry (5-10) and youth work (11-16) which provide young people with an exciting introduction to Biblical themes of hope and mission.
    Location: Reading, Berkshire
  • Tauernhof

    Tauernhof, located in the heart of the Austrian Alps, is a Christian retreat center that offers retreats, camps, and seasonal Bible schools.
    Tel: +43 3687 22294
    Location: Schladming, Austria
  • Tearfund Learn

    Thousands of free resources for people all over the world who are working to end poverty and injustice.
    Location: Teddington
  • The Way Christian Ministries

    The Way Christian Ministries (TheWayCM) is intent on fulfilling the Great Commission through online teaching, purchasable resources and a limited number of places on our residential Training for Life course at our ministry base in Scotland and worldwide.
    Location: Saltcoats, Ayrshire
  • Unreached Network

    The Unreached Network exists to co-ordinate best practice in cross-cultural mission across the global Newfrontiers family. Under the ‘Unreached Network’ umbrella we offer training, resources, connection to help equip churches to send and support cross-cultural partners, to equip church planting teams for contextual effectiveness, and to interact with the wider missions conversation.
  • Video: Learning About China: Sipping from a Fire Hose

    China is complicated. It is both a 5000-year-old civilization & a 72-year-old nation. It has a free-wheeling capitalist economy presided over by a Communist party. Traditions run deep & change happens at a dizzying pace.
    Where do you go to make sense of it all? We explore online resources, books, & other ways to learn about China, from language and culture to history & contemporary society, providing tools that will set you on a path of life-long learning.
  • Webinar: How Relevant is the Gospel for the Chinese?

    Among Cultural Chinese everywhere, the Christian faith is often perceived as a foreign or Western religion. Hence, many do not see how it is relevant for them. In this webinar, I’Ching Thomas talks about how we can articulate the gospel in terms that are attractive and significant to our Cultural Chinese friends. We also hear how a Cultural Chinese can be a follower of Christ without having to shed his ethnic identity—one can be Chinese and a Christian with honor.
  • What we wish senders knew

    This FREE version is geared for senders and is 52 minutes long. We’ve created a discussion guide for them that goes with the workshop.
    Location: United States
  • World Mission Training Pack

    This World Mission training material is totally FREE to download and contains some of the best available free World Mission training. It contains three complete training courses that will be fully installed on your system and can be viewed and printed straight from your computer. If you cannot run it you can download the PDF files in the links given.