This section has information on in-service training & development for Christian workers. This includes courses and training available around the world, online and through distance learning programmes.
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Christian Medical Fellowship
The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ. We were formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members. -
Cliff College
Cliff College provides theological education and training with a particular focus on mission and evangelism. -
Developing Health Course
Christian Medical Fellowship run an annual residential course for health professionals, covering all aspects of medicine in developing countries. The course runs for two weeks but some participants attend selected parts of the course which are relevant to their needs. Usually in June/July.
Mental Health - A Biblical Perspective - FREE Course
Mental Health - A Biblical Perspective is a course which is one of eight courses in the 'Problems Christians Face' series.
This course is FREE, available to download and has an exam for each lesson.
Operation Mobilisation 'Face to Face' Course
Face to Face is a two-week personal development course following the Lord’s invitation to “come aside with me to a quiet place”. This course is for Christian workers who have been involved in cross-cultural work or other Christian ministry for at least 2 years and who want to develop their relationship with God, grow in self-awareness, and be better placed for service and leadership.
Location: Oswestry, Shropshire -
Operation Mobilisation 'People Care Courses'
People Care Courses Level 1-3: Equipping Workers, Leaders and People Care Providers – Online, Worldwide!
Location: Oswestry, Shropshire -
Pioneer Mission Leadership Training
The Pioneer Mission Leadership Training Course is for dreamers, doers, imaginers, activists, in other words, pioneers. It offers a variety of pathways, from individual modules to doctoral research programmes.
Tel: 01865 787400Location: Oxford -
The Challenge to 'stay' in mission is a battle that many face. 'Refresh' provides input, insight and support to many who are looking for some space and time to review, recharge and 'refresh' for future mission service. Event usually held in July.
ACLAIM Africa Limited is a leadership and management consulting firm. Aclaim offer courses and seminars in Biblically based Christian business practices for Church personnel and Christian organisations in Africa. Based in Kampala, Uganda.
Web: www.aclaimafrica.comEmail: Info@Aclaimafrica.comTel: +256(0) 414 231040 (UGANDLocation: Kampala, Uganda -
Adelante is a holistic assessment, training and coaching experience for workers living and serving cross-culturally, who have been in their current context between 1-5 years.Location: Malaga, Spain -
African Bible Colleges
African Bible Colleges will train Christian leaders and provide on-line educational opportunities to National Africans who want to obtain a Christian education, but who cannot leave their home country nor afford the high cost of tuition outside Africa.
Tel: 601-922-1962Location: Liberia -
Allbelievers provide an online course entitled 'Mission: tradition confronts the future'. This eLearning course will help you to look at 21st Century culture and to consider how best to communicate the Gospel to others who know little of Christianity, its language or its foundations. It is based on the remarkable book Christianity Rediscovered, Vincent Donovan's story of mission to the Maasai people of Tanzania.
Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS), Beirut, Lebanon
ABTS' Institute of Middle East Studies (IMES) offer excellent education to all those who wish to either minister to Arabs/Muslims locally or in the Middle East/ North African region or want to intensify their studies in this area. -
Baja Bible School, Tijuana, Mexico
Baja Bible School is a one-year program located in Tijuana, Mexico designed for Christians over 18 who desire to study God's word, serve others, and learn from living in a cross-cultural setting. Students study the Bible, missions, and cross-cultural ministry. Staff and students live in a close-knit community on campus and have opportunities to develop relationship with fellow students as well as with Mexican families as they engage in volunteering in the community and in local churches.
Location: Tijuana, Mexico -
BTC Southern Africa
BTC Southern Africa offers undergraduate degree level missions courses via email. The courses cover Biblical basis, mobilizing the Church, strategic planning, crossing cultures, history, study of religions and more.
Web: +27 (0)11 886 0421Location: Randburg, Johannesburg, South Africa -
Children in Families
Children in Families (CIF) is a Christian local Cambodian NGO, registered with the Ministry of the Interior since 2009, dedicated to providing high-quality family-based care for orphans and vulnerable children in Cambodia.Email: info@childreninfamilies.orgTel: +855 31 4323 223Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
Christian Mindfulness
Christian Mindfulness offer two highly recommended online courses that can be of benefit in personal and spiritual development especially in the areas of mental health and recovery from stress, burnout, anxiety and/or depression.Tel: 07761714144Location: Rosyth, Fife -
Coaching Mission International
Coaching Mission International offers Coaching, Coach Training and Coach Development that Strengthens, Encourages and Equips Missions Workers.Web: coachingmission.comEmail: admin@cmiprograms.orgTel: +1(253)327-5591Location: Tega Cay, South Carolina, United States -
Colorado Theological Seminary
Colorado Theological Seminary is a non-denominational institute of higher learning offering affordable accredited Christian degree programs worldwide by distance learning.
Web: www.seminary.wsLocation: CO, United States -
Conexiones entre Mundos, Cochabamba, Bolivia
If you wish to be a part of the Hispanic culture and you need a serious and responsible program that will guide you in the process of cultural adaptation and language learning, Conexiones entre Mundos is the ideal place for you to reach your goals.
Location: Cochabamba, Bolivia -
Pan-African management courses for churches and church related organisations.
Web: www.coratafrica.comLocation: Kenya -
DCI Global Partnership
Supporting people in mission on five continents since 1985 with prayer, world news, free diploma-level Schools of Mission and Support Raising, Business for Mission and Banking for the Poor projects etc. -
E-Learning Courses on Drugs
Online short learning activities. We offer a variety of individual e-learning modules aimed at young people, parents and others. -
Elan offers a three-year program that includes spiritual formation, mentoring by a French partner, and coaching during the period of cultural adaptation. -
Ellel Ministries
Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others. -
Embracing Risk and Rest
Whether living in proximity to physical harm, in an area prone to natural disasters, with inadequate health care, or risking a future that might not include a spouse or children, this workshop is for you.Location: United States -
EQUIP is a 9-month training program which prepares participants to serve in the hardest-to-reach places and people groups. Our training occurs in Armenia, a country surrounded by nations hostile to the gospel. Seasoned TRIAD staff members teach methods to penetrate the barriers of the unreached world and enable participants to thrive amidst the adversity of a missional life.Web: Yerevan, Armenia -
Evangelical Training Directory
The Evangelical Training Directory aims to present the training of all evangelical Bible Colleges and worldwide. It is endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance. -
Eye Doc In A Box
I want to teach you what I have learned treating patients so that you can lead a successful eye clinic medical mission trip. I want your first eye clinic to be what many of my students have experienced, "the greatest experience of their life".Web: eyedocinabox.comLocation: Denver, North Carolina, United States -
Families in Ministry
FieldPartner is a training and support platform for cross-cultural workers in the pre-field, on-field and post-field seasons of their service, featuring courses, blogs, podcasts, sermons and more! We are also a portal to other partner organisations.Web: www.fieldpartner.orgLocation: Reading, Berkshire -
ForMission MA in Missional Leadership
This MA programme aims to equip Christian leaders to develop effective approaches to missional practice and leadership in post-Christendom societies.
The MA is a part-time programme delivered over three years. There are three core modules in Missional Leadership and three elective modules based on a specialism (European Studies, Spirituality or Social Entrepreneurship), one additional module option and a dissertation module.
Our programmes are validated by Newman University. -
From Orphanage Manager to Family based care advocate Online Learning Course with Rok Kern Learning Academy
With the word orphan some of us will think of kids without parents or someone to care for. But in some countries, their definition is different. We are going to learn from the journal of Caleb and Courtney on their trips to Cambodia and the importance of family-based care.
In this course we're going to identify the current state of orphanages globally, the shift for of organizations around the globe from institutional care to family based care and new approaches to care for vulnerable children.Tel: +855 31 4323 223Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online
The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online (FFSO) is a nine-week seminar using an online video classroom. You will learn to create films that communicate the gospel across cultures through video lessons and hands-on practice.
Whether you have experience making movies or have never tried writing a script, join us to grow your skills and be inspired to create stories that communicate good news. -
Fruitful Practices
Fruitful Practices” are activities and behaviours which multiple church planters have discovered are effective at producing the spiritual fruit of new believers, healthy discipleship communities and reproducing fellowships of believers.
This course is based on the experience of hundreds of field workers, and on the foundation of scripture. Although the research was done among people working in Muslim societies, the principles are applicable to most pioneer church planting situations.
Location: United States -
Fuller Theological Seminary
Fuller offer an Individualised Distance Learning (IDL) programme which incorporates the use of media-assisted courses offered through the School of Intercultural Studies and the School of Theology.
FutureLearn offer a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so you can fit learning around your life.
Web: -
Global Christians
GlobalChristians is a website of courses and resources dedicated to empowering churches and "mustard-seed ministries" especially in the developing world. The topics we cover include everything from basic Christian discipleship, to prayer, spiritual warfare, guidance, healing, Christian sexuality, church growth, evangelism and missions.
Web: -
Global Connections Training Directory
Find training to prepare you for involvement in cross-cultural mission, church-based ministry, or for work with a Christian charity or mission agency in the UK or internationally.Location: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire -
Global Trellis
Global Trellis helps cross-cultural workers flourish.Web: globaltrellis.comLocation: United States -
GMMI Step Program
The STEP Program is an 8 month, multi-faceted mission mobilization strategic training opportunity, taking place within an unreached people group context, providing a well-rounded experience focusing on Spiritual Discipleship, Tools for Mobilization, Education in Mission and Practical Office Experience. Each element serves the overall goal of empowering participants to go deep with God and learn more about their role and place in serving Him in the mission mobilization movement.Location: Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, Thailand -
As disciples of Jesus we are called to continually grow, learn, serve, and be fruitful in ways that bring glory to God. Grow2Serve exists to help people fulfill this calling through learning, we’re passionate about helping that calling be a reality.Web: www.grow2serve.comEmail: services@grow2serve.comTel: (952) 491-0488Location: Apple Valley, MN, United States -
Heartstream Intensive Care Program
Living together in community provides intensive support and care for restoration of cross-cultural workers who are suffering exhaustion, depletion, depression, burnout or other crisis as a result of ministry. Staff and guests live together with a high degree of interaction. The needs of the whole person are attended. Small groups provide an ideal setting for maximizing healing.
2 week program.Location: Winston-Salem, NC, United States -
ICCM Europe
If you use technology in a mission or church context then ICCM is for you. It's a collaborative conference where experiences are shared and alliances built to maximise the impact of technology in bringing hope to the nations.
Web: -
International School of Ministry
The world's largest video Bible school with more than 17,000 training sites in 145 nations.
Web: isom.orgLocation: San Bernardino, CA, United States -
International Training Partners
International Training Partners is a US based organisation which provides practical, interactive, biblical training for missionaries and Christians from other countries. The main topic of workshops is 'Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills' (SYIS).
Web: www.itpartners.orgLocation: United States -
Kingdom Expansion 101
An innovative, six session, online introduction to local and global outreach. The course assignments can be completed anytime, day or night. This course is a high-quality, facilitated, online basic missions course that can be taken anywhere in the world. The curriculum provides a biblical and strategic framework to assist both churches and individuals in making informed decisions about their local and global outreach involvement.
Location: Dana Point, CA, United States -
Leadership Matters Course
The Leadership Matters Course is a two-week intensive course, focused on developing basic leadership skills for Christian workers in diverse cultures around the world.
Location: Winchester, VA, United States -
Learn Direct
This site enables you to search for courses on just about any subject, some of which are conducted either by correspondence or via the Internet.
Web: www.learndirect.comLocation: Bournemouth -
London School of Theology
LONDON SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY (LST) is an evangelical academic learning community called to equip and encourage one another to be disciples of Jesus Christ. -
London Seminary
Our principle objective is to train and support those that are already or are looking to become pastors . Students are grounded in the Scriptures, Biblical languages, theology, church history & other elements to equip them for the challenges of ministry.Tel: 02083467587Location: Finchley, London -
Magnify Missions
Our focus is on equipping participants with mindsets, skills, and a plan to help them attain their best work. We provide a three day workshop where participants are empowered with a three year plan to thrive in their ministries/businesses.Location: Dallas, TX, United States -
Member Care Foundations Online Course
30 day Online Training with Harry Hoffmann (coordinator of the Global Member Care Network)
Topics such as: What is Member Care/ Forms of Sending / Contextualization / Member Care Models / Resilience / Spirituality & God / Self-Care / Friends & Family / Church / People Helpers / Professionals and more.
28 Videos
28 Worksheets
28 Processing questions
Certificate of completion by the Global Member Care Network and Harry Hoffmann.
Workbook as one documents -
Miila Consulting
Individual and couples counselling, memberCare, training and workshops. Our approach integrates evidence-based practices and personalized strategies to support your unique needs. We believe in an empathy and compassion-first approach. -
Moorlands College
Moorlands specialises in the transformation and equipping of people, passionate about Jesus, to impact the church and the world. All our degree courses are validated by the University of Gloucestershire.Web: 01425 674500Location: Christchurch, Dorset -
Become equipped to answer the question: "What actually needs to be done for ALL of this people group or city to have access to the Gospel and have multiple Church Planting Movements among them?" Interact with case studies presented, develop plans and run with your vision to reach the lost.
Web: -
N Davey
An independent videographer with twenty five years of experience across a variety of television and video productions. In recent years I have specialised in promotional and documentary style videos both in the UK and abroad. -
n-Culture is a network of practitioners who want to equip the Faith-Based Community with Intercultural Agility.Web: n-culture.comEmail: -
NCC Home Learning
With more than 25 years of experience, NCC Home Learning is an award-winning provider of education and distance learning solutions in a wide range of subjects. We are proud to have delivered high-quality training to over 500,000 learners globally.Tel: 0333 3445 690Location: Conwy -
Ongoing Language and Culture Learning
In this workshop, you will cover:
Key principles for learning to talk again
Characteristics of good language learners
How to learn to think again
Three ways to move towards being an "acceptable outsider."Location: United States -
Oxford Centre for Mission Studies
OCMS is a key graduate research centre that empowers churches in the global South through training their leaders. Our combination of close student support and flexible residency allows scholars to combine study with ongoing ministry. -
Portantorchas, Costa Rica
Portantorchas is a Bible School dedicated to training youth from all over the world in the knowledge of Christ through Bible teaching and discipleship. We are also committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus to men and women around the world.
Web: portantorchas.orgEmail: contact@portantorchas.orgTel: +506 2229-3584Location: San José, Costa Rica -
Prayer and Ministry
Research has found that missionaries who “lavish extravagant daily time” on Jesus bear more fruit in terms of disciples made (John 15:5). This workshop helps Christians learn from Scripture and one another what it means to “abide in Christ” by looking into practical ways of obeying what Jesus taught in John 15:1-17. We recommend not being legalistic about prayer times, but rather seeing prayer as enjoyable times with Jesus and gives some ideas on how to involve prayer partners back home.Location: United States -
Preachers' Help
Our aim is to help preachers and pastors who've had little or no training, and have no money to improve themselves. -
Preventing TCK Identity Challenges
TCK expert Lauren Wells explores 4 challenges TCKs face in forming their identity and how to prevent each one. Practical and encouraging, learn how to help a TCK you love.Location: United States -
Questions of Jesus
Designed for short-term mission trip participants, this 30-day devotional will guide you to engage one-on-one with God as you learn about Him, yourself, and the world through daily Scripture reading and reflection.
Whether you're just beginning to spend quiet time with the Lord or looking to deepen your understanding of God's mission in the world, this book will help you develop a deeper and richer understanding of who God is and who He made you to be. -
Real Outreach Theological College
Real Outreach Theological College, an independent, degree-granting academic institution in Kenya, offering innovative online bible studies around the world.Tel: (0721) 898 963Location: Juja, Kiambu County, Kenya -
Rok Kern Learning Academy
Rok Kern, a project of Children In Families Cambodia, have developed a series of courses to equip volunteers, short-termers, churches and school to learn more about the work of poverty alleviation, caring for vulnerable children and ethical voluntourism to discover what it means to love God and others.
The courses are designed together as a tool to re-evaluate our understanding of how we can better respond to poverty, charity and justice, and to transform our way of caring for at risk children.Email: enquiries@rokkernacademy.comTel: +855 31 4323 223Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia -
Sabbatical Journey Course
In these uncertain times, cross-cultural workers on a home assignment, furlough, or sabbatical might wonder where to even start. Start here. The Sabbatical Journey Course adapts to any length of sabbatical and is divided into four quarters: rest, refuel, reequip, and refocus.Location: United States -
School of Leadership
After laying the biblical foundations of Christian leadership, the course covers the basic practices, character qualities and personal management skills necessary in the formation and development of Christian leaders. The Leadership 101 course covers the basic areas of a leader’s formation and development and will inspire you how to train other leaders and build them into effective leadership teams.Location: United States -
See Beyond
See Beyond Your Current Horizon. Gain New Hope for Tomorrow. -
Spurgeon's College
Our courses at Spurgeon’s College are designed to equip students at many different levels, depending on your interests and individual calling. These include courses in theology, counselling and pastoral supervision.Web: 020 8653 0850Location: Croydon, London -
Sustainable Resilience Online Course
Sustainable Resilience is a one-week online course designed to give you tools to understand and grow in resilience and to keep your life and ministry true to your calling. Beginning August and October 2020, this course will become a two-week course that takes place over 15 days and requires a learning time investment of 8-12 hours.
Location: Apple Valley, MN, United States -
TCKs and the Enneagram
TCK expert Lauren Wells uses the Enneagram to help you understand your TCK, how to understand their response to stress and transition, and common TCK struggles by number.Location: United States -
The Online Bible College
An online Bible study program, using a dynamic, street-practical approach to ministry training, all from the convenience of your own home.
Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia -
Touch the World
Touch the World provides training and mission trips focused on poverty, culture, and mission with the intention of equipping youth for their everyday context.Web: touchtheworld.orgEmail: info@touchtheworld.orgTel: (201) 760-9925Location: Allendale, NJ, United States -
Union School of Theology
UST is for anyone who wants to grow both spiritually and academically – in their understanding of the Christian gospel, in their ministry skills, and in personal formation.
Web: 0330 123 4446/ 01656 6454Location: Bridgend, Bridgend County -
Urban Saints Additional Needs Training
Understanding additional needs is one area of training we are particularly keen to support. Our Additional Needs Ministry Director, Mark Arnold, is in particular demand as one of the top authorities on the subject.
'All Inclusive?' is a series of five different training seminars that cover working with children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
Mark and his team can also provide a consultancy service for your church or local group. -
Video: Learning About China: Sipping from a Fire Hose
China is complicated. It is both a 5000-year-old civilization & a 72-year-old nation. It has a free-wheeling capitalist economy presided over by a Communist party. Traditions run deep & change happens at a dizzying pace.
Where do you go to make sense of it all? We explore online resources, books, & other ways to learn about China, from language and culture to history & contemporary society, providing tools that will set you on a path of life-long learning.Email: jpittman@chinasource.orgLocation: Chino Hills, CA, United States -
Vision Internet Bible College
The Internet Bible College offers the most flexible, affordable and legitimate Bible Study options on or off the Internet. Now you can study and earn your ministry degree without leaving your home, or your job, your family or your church, earn internationally recognised awards where you are without the cost of going overseas.
Location: Leumeah, NSW, Australia -
Waverley Abbey Trust (formerly CWR)
Waverley Abbey Trust exists to help you grow in your relationship with God and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to help others. It's a hub of spiritual encounter, Christian education, innovative enterprise and community engagement. -
What We Wish Senders Knew: For Goers
358 cross-cultural workers participated in an anonymous survey about what they think might jeopardize them being on the field. This workshop looks at the results in detail. This version is geared for goers and is 58 minutes long.Location: United States -
Woodin Creek Dental
We train both lay persons and dental professionals to treat tooth decay via online and workshops.Location: Woodinville, WA, United States -
World Wide Learn
At this site you'll find hundreds of online courses and learning resources in over 40 subject areas offered by educational institutions, companies and individuals from all over the world.
Location: United States -
Youth With a Mission's Global Training, Perth, AUSTRALIA
The Institute for the Nations - Australia is a part of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) International. The Institute for the Nations - Australia is a registered training organisation offering accredited and non-accredited training and learning experiences in and from Australia. Institute for the Nations is affiliated with YWAM's international network of tertiary level education/training known as the University of the Nations, which is not registered/accredited as a university in Australia.
Web: Perth, Australia