Resources for Parents/Teachers

Resources to help parents and teachers in mission situations or to help inform them about mission

  • Association of Christian Teachers (ACT)

    ACT’s Vision is to ‘serve, equip and inspire Christians in education.’ ACT provide support and advice to members.
    Tel: 01604 632046
    Location: Doncaster, South Yorkshire
  • Care for the Family

    Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties.
    Tel: 029 2081 0800
    Location: Newport, Wales
  • Childnet International

    Childnet is a website for the general public run by Christians. It has links to lots of good resources for kids and info on Internet safety.
    Tel: 020 7639 6967
    Location: London
  • E-Learning Courses on Drugs

    Online short learning activities. We offer a variety of individual e-learning modules aimed at young people, parents and others.
    Tel: 02079280848
  • Educare

    Educare is an email newsletter published 4 times a year (January, March, June, September) and covers a wide range of third culture issues from preparation of children for cross-cultural living to re-entry to the passport country, boarding to home schooling and much more. It is available free of charge on request.
    Editor, Steve Bryant, also produces 3 CDs of resources available to purchase at £3 each (including P&P).
  • Family Lives

    Family Lives is a charity with over three decades of experience helping parents to deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life.
    Location: Hatfield, Hertfordshire
  • Lovewise

    Seeing the needs of young people, Lovewise has developed resources on the subjects of marriage and sex. These resources encourage them to consider the God-given design of marriage and the wisdom and benefits of keeping sex for marriage.
    Tel: 0191 281 3636
    Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear
  • Max7

    The Max7 website features a variety of Bible resources including curriculum, videos, music, and training materials for use through children's or young people's ministry, sports or creative ministry. This worldwide partnership freely serves the work of evangelism, helping children and young people live life to the MAX, 7 days a week with Jesus - the life described in John 10:10.
  • TCKs

    A number of resources that may be helpful to you if you raise / minister to "Third Culture Kids."
    Location: Wilmore, Kentucky, United States
  • Preventing TCK Identity Challenges

    TCK expert Lauren Wells explores 4 challenges TCKs face in forming their identity and how to prevent each one. Practical and encouraging, learn how to help a TCK you love.
  • TCKs and the Enneagram

    TCK expert Lauren Wells uses the Enneagram to help you understand your TCK, how to understand their response to stress and transition, and common TCK struggles by number.
    Location: United States
  • The Expat Birth Academy

    Helping expat families navigate the nuances of birth abroad through increasing access to education, connecting them to resources, fostering community, and empowering them through coaching.
    Location: United States
  • Time to Talk

    Better conversations about Relationship and Sex Education, a guide for parents and carers
  • Urban Saints Energize

    What is Energize?
    One Energize subscription enables you to access high-quality, age-appropriate, Bible-based resources for every stage of a young person's development. Energize will equip you to understand, engage with and respond to their needs, from ages 3 to 15+.
    Energize contains enough training and support for whatever your leadership role has in store for you. Find experiences for your group that will transform their future.
    Tel: 01582 589850
    Location: Luton, Bedfordshire