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More informationIf you want to know how to use your Internet connection as a long distance telephone, see OSCAR - Service zone - Communications - Telephone
Our team is a group of full-time and part-time volunteers who are specialists in software development, web and graphic design, marketing, database engineering, networking, server management, and telecommunications. -
LightSys Technology Services, Inc.
LightSys is dedicated to equipping Christian missions with the computer technology correct for them, including the knowledge and contacts needed to support that technology.
Web: www.lightsys.orgLocation: Colorado Springs, CO, United States -
The International Conference on Computing and Mission (ICCM)
ICCM is an annual informal (NO ties allowed!) gathering of women and men who have a common interest in computers and mission. They share a vision of cooperation for effective use of technology bringing the Gospel to every nation.
Web: iccm.org