Asbury Revival and Mission
Posted on 1st March 2023
Have you been following the Asbury outpouring/awakening/revival? Many Christians, particularly across the Western world, have been watching it unfold with interest, wondering about the nature and impact of what's taking place. What does it mean? Will it spread beyond the USA? Will it lead to a renewing of the Church...
Supporting Missionaries at Christmas
Posted on 1st December 2022
Christmas is an important time of year for all of us, for spiritual and social reasons. For missionaries or gap year workers it can be a difficult time due to their locations and distance from 'home'. Here are seven suggestions for you if you would like to help them.
Reverse Mission
Posted on 1st November 2022
Reverse mission” refers to the sending of missionaries to Europe and North America by churches and Christians from the non-Western world, particularly Africa, Asia and Latin America[1]
For this model to work best, the missionaries need to be well educated with a transferable skill that can be utilised to be tentmakers...
I’m not cut out for mission!
Posted on 28th July 2022
Have you ever felt called to overseas mission but thought you weren’t the right person to go? When thinking about engaging in cross-cultural mission, sometimes we can feel like the biggest barrier is ourselves. It can be so easy to have self-doubt:
Am I really cut out for mission?
The thought of...
Discerning God's Will for your Life
Posted on 30th April 2022
I was asked to give a talk at a NextGen young adult event in Bristol on this topic, so I pulled together my top tips from a life of trying to discern and then follow God's leading, particularly in the area of career, mission and ministry. Whilst only in note...
How will they know if no one tells them?
Posted on 1st March 2022
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them … Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard...
Staying Positive
Posted on 1st March 2022
One part of life we can be pretty confident of is that occasionally, challenges will get thrown our way. Whether it’s personal trials like a relationship breakdown or global challenges like the COVID19 pandemic, we will all face opposition to our mission in life from time to time. During...
The Church in China: It’s Complicated
Posted on 1st February 2022
Whenever I field questions about the church in China, or anything related to China for that matter, I invariably find myself responding, “It’s complicated.” I encountered the truth of this assessment during my last trip to Beijing in December 2019.
On a very cold Sunday morning I made my way...
Keeping New Year's Resolutions
Posted on 1st January 2022
A new year gives you the feeling of a fresh start. That’s why a lot of people make New Year’s Resolutions. But maybe you’re pessimistic when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions. Perhaps you’ve made some and not kept them, so you think, “Why bother?”
The problem isn’t making a New...
Creating an End of Year Video Update
Posted on 1st November 2021
Dreading making your next video update for your mission or ministry? Here is an easy way to do it that can share what your ministry is, bring clarity on what you do, and give actionable steps to the viewer.
If you’re in missions or ministry, you've probably have sent out...