I was asked to give a talk at a NextGen young adult event in Bristol on this topic, so I pulled together my top tips from a life of trying to discern and then follow God's leading, particularly in the area of career, mission and ministry. Whilst only in note form, I thought you might benefit from the outcome.
You are unique. Your calling and role will be unique. Your contribution and ministry will be unique. Don't follow anyone but Jesus. (1 Cor 1:12)
Look Upward
- Commit your life to God. Take that step of faith. Hold nothing back. Be willing to sacrifice everything. Put Jesus on the throne and in the driving seat. (Matt 6:33, Matt 10:37-39, Gal 2:20)
- Focus on His calling before His equipping (1 Cor 1:26-29)
- Do the right thing with each step (integrity, hold to your values) (John 14:23, Jam 4:17, Gal 6:9)
- Pray continually (1 Thess 5:17)
- Take time to reflect (Josh 1:8, Rom 12:2)
Look Inward
- Your gifts or giftings (1 Cor 12, Eph 4, Rom 12) - take an audit/test
- Your heart or motivation - what's your passion? (1 John 3:17)
- Your natural abilities - define them (1 Cor 12:14, Rom 12:4)
- Your personality - do some tests
- Your experience - nothing is wasted (John 6:12, 1 Cor 15:58, Rom 8:28)
(See https://oscar.org.uk/resources/who-am-i and oscaruk.com/m38 for further resources)
Look Outward
- What do you see and hear that moves you?
- Listen to what God is saying through others
- Get a mentor, a coach or a spiritual director
- Get a small group of others to pray for you and support you
- Get a companion for the journey, someone who will walk with you
Don't Look Down!
- Don't be afraid of heights, of stepping out in faith big time. God honours it. (Prov 3:5, Heb 11:8)
- Don't be discouraged when things don't go as you expect. God has His plans. (Isa 55:8, Eph 2:10, Rom 8:28)
- Don't let anything else become your god or idol i.e. money, power, control, ambition, ego (Ex 20:3, Matt 24:24, 1 John 4:1)
- Don't let satan take anything from you. He owns nothing but will steal anything of value. (John 10:10, 1 Pet 5:8)
The ultimate is to follow Jesus and live for Him. It really is the best place to be and the most fulfilling purpose.