Have you been following the Asbury outpouring/awakening/revival? Many Christians, particularly across the Western world, have been watching it unfold with interest, wondering about the nature and impact of what's taking place. What does it mean? Will it spread beyond the USA? Will it lead to a renewing of the Church or a new move of mission?
Here are a few useful links to help you see and read for yourself:
- Asbury University's Outpouring hub: https://www.asbury.edu/outpouring
- Introductory film (to show to your group or church): https://sojournerfilms.com/revival
- People's stories: https://www.facebook.com/groups/749526913027429
- Revival tracker page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1327877147755972
- Thoughts from those who have been there:
- Timothy C. Tennent, President of Asbury: https://worldprayer.org.uk/resources/thoughts-on-the-asbury-awakening
- Pete Grieg, 24-7 Prayer: https://www.24-7prayer.com/asbury-university-chapel
- Debbie Wright, Vineyard: https://www.vineyardchurches.org.uk/resources/visiting-the-outpouring-in-asbury
- Rich Wilson, Fusion: https://www.fusionmovement.org/blog/2080
- Richard Fish, YWAM Tyler: https://blog.ywamtyler.org/revival-wave-at-asbury-university-2023
- Analysis:
- Fred Sanders, Biola University: https://www.logos.com/grow/asbury-revival
- Missions Today: https://www.missionstoday.com/episodes-new/the-asbury-outpouring
If you spot something useful about the revival to add here, especially if it relates to world mission or the UK, please let us know.