Asbury Revival and Mission

by Mike Frith
Posted on 1st March 2023

Have you been following the Asbury outpouring/awakening/revival? Many Christians, particularly across the Western world, have been watching it unfold with interest, wondering about the nature and impact of what's taking place. What does it mean? Will it spread beyond the USA? Will it lead to a renewing of the Church or a new move of mission?

Here are a few useful links to help you see and read for yourself:

If you spot something useful about the revival to add here, especially if it relates to world mission or the UK, please let us know.

Mike Frith is the Founding Director of OSCAR. Prior to starting OSCAR, he worked as a pilot/engineer with Mission Aviation Fellowship where he spent time living in the USA, France, Switzerland, Madagascar and Uganda. He has been involved in working with, supporting, training and resourcing cross-cultural workers for over 25 years. He is married to Cheryl and they have two grown up children, Joanna and Will. Mike is also General Secretary of COST, a trust that gives grants to mission volunteers.