If you would just like to suggest a listing to add to the OSCAR website, or suggest a change to a current listing, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
We cannot guarantee inclusion but we do review each entry that is submitted.
If you would like to manage your own listing and be able to update it at any time, one of our Packages would be the way to go. The lowest is the Bronze package. To subscribe to this and add your own Organisation, Church or Resource to OSCAR's directories:
- Search the OSCAR website to see if you are already listed. Just type your org or resource name into OSCAR's main search engine.
- Register for a personal login account on the OSCAR website. You can do this at https://oscar.org.uk/account
- Once in your account, click on the orange button on the left-hand side of the page to either manage (if you are already listed) or add (if you are not) your Organisation, Church or Resource.
- We will review your submission and, hopefully, approve it. We will also make sure you are listed in the appropriate pages on our website. You will then be able to keep your listing up to date and add all sorts of other things like Jobs/Opportunities and Events. Full instructions are given.
The charge for a Bronze account is £10 per year. Job/Opportunity listings, profile pages and highlighted/featured directory listings all have an additional charge. Details of these charges and other packages can be found at https://oscar.org.uk/oscars-advertising-packages
If you want to submit a job/opportunity listing, that's through a separate section at Advertise Jobs & Opportunities
Please read our Privacy Notice before you proceed.
Submit your basic Organisation or Resource listings for consideration via the form below: