Articles - Page 21

Teaching in Britain: a cross-cultural mission?

by Trevor Cooling
Posted on 1st January 2007
Sally's Story Sally [ 1] was a successful modern languages teacher who wanted to serve God through using her talents to best effect. She often led assemblies and used them as an opportunity for sensitive sharing of her faith. She was having a huge impact in the lives of many pupils...

Christian Mission and the Environment: How Big is our God?

by Dave Bookless
Posted on 1st November 2006
There is no longer much doubt about the seriousness of the global environmental crisis. Where there is still plenty of confusion, is over the Christian response. Should we agree with the American Christian writer, Cal Thomas, that "Jesus' teaching has nothing to do with global warming or the environment" and...

Learning to Get on Together

by Tony Cross
Posted on 1st October 2006
The record does not show whether Adam and Eve had arguments. It does show that their two sons had problems relating with disastrous results! So it seems that conflict is as old as humanity and if you include the tradition that Satan fell out with God, even older than that! Of...

Running on empty? - Are we being shaped by the God of mission?

by Vicky Calver
Posted on 1st September 2006
It was one of those weeks. The man had stood up for his faith while everyone around him believed in other gods. He had prayed and seen God move powerfully. But then his life was threatened, so in fear and exhaustion he fled. Elijah was running on empty. He may have...

Growing Young Givers

by Share Magazine
Posted on 1st August 2006
1. Child sponsorship Children relate to other children and many sponsorship programmes offer opportunities to write, share photos and express generosity. Linking up with similar aged children of missionaries you know might also be a possibility. 2. Let them see the need Giving them first-hand experience of the needs of others. Perhaps...

Community Health Global Network

by Dr Ted Lankester
Posted on 1st July 2006
Most of you who read this will be aware of the health care crisis facing vast areas of the developing world. The statistic that most sticks in my throat is WHO's estimate that the world is short of 2.5 million health workers. "the world is short of 2.5 million health workers" But...

The TASK for Tentmakers Today

by Roger Wells
Posted on 1st June 2006
The apostle Paul carried on his trade as a tentmaker (Acts 18.3) on some of his missionary journeys, and many people since have followed this example, taking their businesses and professions to other cultures and countries. "Tentmakers are men and women of integrity, employed in real jobs, who share their faith...

How well do you know your body?

by Matt Rich
Posted on 1st May 2006
Everyone can't go but everyone can be a crucial part of the team! Having lived abroad as a missionary I have experienced first hand some of the joys and feelings of sadness that missionaries face. Sometimes life is exciting, satisfying and exhilarating - other times it is hard, lonely and frustrating....

Growing up Overseas

by Marion Knell
Posted on 1st April 2006
Taking your family overseas provides many benefits, and presents many challenges. The key to maximising the positives and anticipating problems lies in AWARENESS, which comes through good preparation before ever leaving your home country. "The key to maximising the positives and anticipating problems lies in AWARENESS" So how can you and your...

Come Live, Die

by Norman J P
Posted on 1st February 2006
In reality, a missionary is simply a normal Christian coming from a normal church to do an extraordinary task. A friend once said, "I'm just a nobody excited about telling anybody about somebody who can save everybody." When God does something awesome, He does it simply. You don't need an...
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