Articles - Page 22

Those who can, Teach!

by Janet Lucas
Posted on 1st December 2005
At first the local stallholders in the African market were surprised to see a stall run by an American couple, with Christian books and pictures on display. However, little by little they got to know the couple and learned that the Americans were willing to spend time with them, teaching...

12 Step Support Strategy

by Bill Dillon
Posted on 1st November 2005
Raising support should never keep you from pursuing a ministry or entering the mission field. Through my book, People Raising, I strive to replace the horror stories of "deputation" with a vision of success. Along the way, the book tackles issues such as: - Beating the number one enemy of support raising -...

The Parable of the Unwise Steward

by Michael Lyon
Posted on 1st September 2005
A lesson about medical insurance The mission had great plans; to buy property for housing students whilst preparing them for local missions; to equip a mobile trailer with all the electronic gear necessary to power up a worship team, so they could reach out to the young street kids that would...

Called to Mission?

by Ruth Brooker
Posted on 1st August 2005
Immediately anyone says to me that they have a 'call to mission', I want to ask two questions... "What does 'call' mean?" and "What is 'mission'?" In Os Guiness's excellent book (The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life) he talks about the calling of God operating...

Preparing for Re-entry

by Dr Debbie Hawker
Posted on 1st June 2005
This article will discuss what can be done to facilitate re-entry at three different time-points: throughout your time overseas, around the time of leaving, and on return 'home'. Throughout your time overseas Re-entry is easier if you have plenty of contact with your home culture during your time overseas. Keeping in touch...

Reach for the Skype

by Robin Sanderson
Posted on 1st May 2005
Email has had an enormous impact upon the global missions community. Urgent prayer requests can circle the globe and mobilise thousands even millions to intercession in an instant. Up to the minute reports and praise items can be shared in a missionaries home sending church saving £'s on phone calls...

Practical Guide To Short-Term Mission

by Mike Frith
Posted on 1st April 2005
So you'd like to do go on short term mission but not sure where to start? OSCAR's practical guide to short term mission is here to help... Short term mission is an excellent way to share your faith while helping others around the world. It can also be a stimulating and...

Language learning: How fluent do I need to be?

by David Boydell
Posted on 1st April 2005
Over the past twenty-two years we have welcomed over two thousand students, most of them missionary candidates, to "our" language school in the southern suburbs of Paris, and we are often asked to what extent the Christian worker needs to be fluent in a given language - in our case,...

When Team Relationships take a Dive

by Chris Bocutt
Posted on 1st March 2005
Disputes and conflicts between individuals and groups, in organisations or in private, Christian as well as secular, are all too frequent. Left to take their course, minor differences can become acrimonious, and may lead to painful partings of the ways for those involved. The cost of not dealing properly with...

The Mount Horeb Experience

by Martin Lee
Posted on 1st January 2005
When and why times of retreat are important. Times of retreat are vital for any full-time Christian worker and none more so than for people based overseas, either when returning home on furlough or at the end of an assignment. Spiritual refreshment for those involved in cross-cultural work can often...
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