Growing Young Givers

by Share Magazine
Posted on 1st August 2006

1. Child sponsorship

Children relate to other children and many sponsorship programmes offer opportunities to write, share photos and express generosity. Linking up with similar aged children of missionaries you know might also be a possibility.

2. Let them see the need

Giving them first-hand experience of the needs of others. Perhaps take them to help at a local project reaching out to needy people. Maybe you could take a family holiday to visit a missionary?

"Collecting the spare pennies around the house for mission isn't the best way for them to learn about giving"

3. Set aside a pot for their giving

Have three pots, 'Give, Save & Spend'. Talk with them about how they will divide up their pocket money between the three each week.

4. Involve them in your family giving

Let them be a part of the decision-making process. Ask for suggestions for practical ways you can bless missionaries or Christian workers you know.

5. Get good children's material

There are some great websites and magazines available aimed at providing mission inspiration for children. See this month's survey at Children's Mission Motivators

6. Stop collecting pennies

Collecting the spare pennies around the house for mission isn't the best way for them to learn about giving. Model a different way and help them in advance to 'decide what is right in their heart to give'. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

This article has been adapted from the original which appeared in issue 4 of Share magazine under the title 'six ways to encourage children to give'. Reproduced by permission. To see the original article and other copies of Share magazine, visit