Articles - Page 8

Stress Management

by Thrive Worldwide
Posted on 1st February 2018
"I was a week into my placement when the Accounts Officer quit, the Country Director was on leave, my Programme Manager was swamped with taking on the CD's tasks, and I was asked to complete a household nutritional survey with over 100 respondents by the end of the week, with...

A New Start

by Fiona Mearns
Posted on 1st January 2018
A new year - a new start. New Year's Resolutions are all very well but they tend not to last. However, we worship a God of new starts and of fresh beginnings so now might be the time to apply some fresh thinking to your ministry at the start of...

Mission Is ...

by Church Mission Society
Posted on 21st November 2017
A survey carried out by Church Mission Society to uncover the nation's attitude to mission has found that nine out of ten Christians say they believe "everyone is called to mission" and the job of spreading God's message should not be left to 'professional' Christians like vicars and full time...

We Have Stopped Supporting Your Ministry

by Rollin Grams
Posted on 1st October 2017
1 December, AD 51 Dear Paul, Silas, and Timothy, Greetings from Antioch. We trust you are well and that your ministry in Corinth is also continuing well. Our mission committee met last week to discuss your work, and we have decided to discontinue the annual support that we have been sending for...

The Yawning Gap

by Graham Nicholls
Posted on 1st September 2017
Sending missionaries abroad is boring. It belongs to a bygone pioneering age. It's part of cultural imperialism. It's no longer necessary. It's not a priority. No-one would really say it, but I would suggest that, on the face of it, many churches are not excited about world mission. The level of...

Online Evangelism

by Matt Rich
Posted on 1st August 2017
Have you ever thought about putting on a T-shirt with the words "Talk to me I'm a Christian" and then sitting on a seat in a busy shopping centre, with an empty chair beside you... what do you think would happen? Do you think anyone would come? This is what...

Healthy Travelling

by Interhealth Worldwide
Posted on 1st July 2017
InterHealth's top 10 tips for travellers 1. Drink lots of water Staying hydrated makes a big difference to your energy when in a hot, tiring environment, and during a long flight. If it's very hot at your destination, one or two drinks of oral rehydration solution during the day can be...

Shipping Forecast

by Paul Reynolds
Posted on 1st June 2017
Whether you are sending personal effects, mission supplies, NGO goods, educational materials, shoeboxes or humanitarian aid, there are many hidden pitfalls to sending goods overseas. How do you avoid them? Paul Reynolds from Mission & Relief Logistics Ltd shares some key considerations from their years of expertise and experience in...

Cross-Cultural Transition & Adjustment

by Mike Frith
Posted on 1st May 2017
Moving from one culture to another does strange things to the mind and body! If you're not aware of these things before they happen, it can at best be disorientating and at worst, end in disaster. Having transitioned to and from five different countries, and having led training courses on this...

Lost In Translation

by Sarah Harrison
Posted on 1st April 2017
The world of translation may seem rather mysterious, or even daunting, to the uninitiated. This is hardly surprising given the huge range of possibilities available on the market, particularly via the Internet, with promises of "free online translations", "machine translations" and the like. Whilst services such as Google Translate may provide...
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