Reverse Culture Shock
Posted on 1st December 2018
Cowering by the radiator in my mother’s home, wrapped in my large pink fluffy dressing gown, was my first experience of reverse culture shock. In my early twenties I had spent time living and working in a South East Asian Orphanage for children with disabilities. Being immersed daily into poverty,...
Taking a Sabbath
Posted on 1st November 2018
Practice of taking a Sabbath?
In my life prior to being a full -time missionary I had not ever considered the principle of taking a Sabbath , but quickly became aware of what it can be like to be a full -time Christian worker. The demands are great, we set our...
Recognising Trauma Symptoms
Posted on 1st October 2018
I’m so tired and I cannot sleep,
As my fears all surface and drag me in deep.
The darkness and anguish hit me between the eyes.
All those memories I desperately try to deny.
The dark shadows follow me around every day.
Those thoughts of despair I can’t shake away.
(One verse from a poem...
Cross-Cultural Church Planting
Posted on 1st September 2018
It has been exciting to see a surge in church planting happening around the world. I believe that planting churches, or should I say, planting churches well, is probably the most effective strategy for reaching those without Christ that there has ever been. Now that you know I’m pro-church planting,...
RESPECT: A Resilience Toolkit for Mission Workers
Posted on 1st August 2018
Building resilience is the ability to bounce back after difficult events. How do we increase our ability to remain resilient when facing adversity. Mission workers are often under great pressure, there is little time to switch off, and maintaining healthy boundaries can become challenging. The nature of working within mission...
Handling Criticism
Posted on 1st July 2018
If we are any kind of leader someone is going to be unhappy with something we have or haven’t done, something we’ve said or a decision we’ve made. It can leave us feeling discouraged and angry. How do we handle it?
The first thing to do is consider whether...
Millennials and Mission
Posted on 1st June 2018
Every day I see beautiful, passionate, world changers torn to bits by the machine that is missions, limping home disillusioned, cynical, and shipwrecked from their faith. It makes me wonder if this churning beast we’ve created has gone awry and our youth are just collateral damage, expendable because there’s always...
Getting All HET Up
Posted on 1st May 2018
What is Hostile Environment Training (HET) and when and why might you need it? That's the question posed and answered by our guest author this month, Tim Mercer.
Monday dawned and that work problem James hadn't been able to resolve on Friday remained fixed in his mind. The weather was irritably...
How to do Church Partnerships without Buying Friends
Posted on 1st April 2018
How do we build partnerships with people in developing countries without creating dependency? Jim Harries, missionary in Africa, helps us understand ...
If I said that 'all problems are self-inflicted' ... many would think that is only partly true. Yet, in another sense; say a couple decides to have a baby,...
Carbon Offsetting
Posted on 1st March 2018
As I drove with my family through a remote valley in south-western Uganda ten years ago, we turned a corner and entered a vast landscape of devastation - thousands of hectares of hillside stripped bare of indigenous forest and replanted with sterile rows of eucalyptus and conifers. In the distance...