Pray for Revival Where You Are
Posted on 27th February 2025
Faith: The Foundation of Revival
Many of us struggle with doubt over whether our prayers really make a difference. Often, this doubt is not about God’s power but about our own significance. Who am I that what I do is important? This doubt strangles our prayers before we even have a...
OSCAR at 25
Posted on 26th February 2025
1st March 2025 marks OSCAR's 25th birthday. Mike Frith, OSCAR's Founding Director, takes stock at our Silver Jubilee.
Here are the stats after 25 years:
The Impact Online
Days online: 9,130
Visits to website: 5 million
Page views: 16 million
Jobs/opportunities advertised: 21,000
Events advertised: 4,800
The Impact Offline
Days spent advising and resourcing at events: 700
People helped at...
Faith-Based Opportunities: How to Find a UK Sponsor for Mission and Ministry Work
Posted on 1st February 2025
Most people hoping to come to the UK for mission or ministry find it a daunting prospect to discover faith-based opportunities with organisations that will sponsor their work. This is because of several challenges including, but not limited to, strict immigration rules, language barriers, cultural differences, job market competition, etc.
Building More Financially Sustainable Mission Partnerships
Posted on 1st January 2025
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.
Or so goes the adage.
Is it possible in mission partnerships? Is it possible to move from dependence to greater interdependence?
What is a ladder for? “to elevate and support...
Rest & Renewal for Mission Workers
Posted on 31st January 2024
As a development worker and missionary, you NEED your free time, but alas… Going back home is not always the answer. Before you know it, you are hard at work in your home country and again… you don’t have time to focus on your goals for the near future, haven’t...
COST: Grants for Mission Trips
Posted on 1st December 2023
Did you know there's a trust that gives small grants to those embarking on mission trips, placements or gap years?
Christians in Overseas Service Trust (COST) was established in 1972 to assist short term volunteers to obtain initial funding, which enables and facilitates them through the provision of monetary grants. COST...
Crossing Cultures Survey
Posted on 1st November 2023
Christine Paterson from Field Partner International gives us her personal takeaways on a survey they conducted earlier this year amongst cross-cultural Christian workers.
At FieldPartner International, we believe that anybody who serves in the field cross-culturally should be properly trained, well-resourced, and wholeheartedly supported by their sending church. We did a...
Single People on Mission
Posted on 1st October 2023
Growing up I had a tendency to think that women on the mission field had no dress sense! Now I am part of that demographic I am beginning to understand that one’s wardrobe gets so full of culturally appropriate clothing that you can risk looking rather dowdy when you get...
Managing Stress
Posted on 1st June 2023
A level of stress that gets adrenaline and cortisol going and brings out our best performance is healthy. However in our 21st century world many of us experience undue levels of stress and pressure that make us feel overwhelmed and which need alleviating. It can be unhealthy and unhelpful if...
Posted on 1st April 2023
What if our picture of ministry wasn’t one person in front of a group of 10, 100 or 1000 people but individuals and groups of ordinary Christians released to use their gifts and share the gospel with those around them? It’s not meant to be like Star Wars where there...