A Ministry of Encouragement
Posted on 1st December 2004
(Encourage International's application for the next job - to heaven's head office)
Dear Sir,
I am looking for a job. I have heard you need some help befriending missionaries.
I have had many years experience of just that - being a friend to missionaries. I keep in touch with them...
The Ideal Supporter
Posted on 1st November 2004
So, what is the ideal supporter like?
What would be in a job specification for the ideal supporter? To get an insight into how the job was viewed at the outset of the church's missionary endeavours, we need to go back to the beginning.
Paul's letter to the Philippians was...
Posted on 1st October 2004
The Need
During the 1990s British church attendance shrank by 10%. Clearly 'church', as we have known it, has more past than future. Is the church trying to serve a Britain that no longer exists? We have become a 'post-Christian' ,'post-modern' and 'pluralist' society, which includes nearly two million Muslims....
What's Your Story?
Posted on 1st September 2004
How many of you ended up in a leadership position you did not train for and were not experienced at? How many of you are led by a leader who did not ask for his/her role, does not like it, does not feel skilled for it and frankly in your...
Please Send Me a Wife!
Posted on 1st July 2004
Our guest article for July 2004 is an interview with Gerry Slessenger of Mission Supplies Limited. Further details about MSL can be found at the bottom of the interview:
OSCAR: Why would/should a mission worker choose a mission shipper like Mission Supplies Limited over a secular shipping agent (like DHL or...
Mobilising Young People into Mission
Posted on 1st June 2004
"The fields are white for harvest." "The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the labourers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he may send out labourers into his harvest."
This may be a fact but, in recent research the two main issues that militate against this...
Web Evangelism
Posted on 1st April 2004
"I believe it is one of the most key tools that God has give us in the church today." - George Verwer
Although most mission agencies and Christian groups use the Web to communicate both internally and with their Christian constituencies, few are using it for primary evangelism. Here's a tool...
Supporting Missionaries
Posted on 1st March 2004
I grew up in a church that believed in missions. Pictures of families in far-away placed lined our foyer wall. Each had their names, country of ministry and the amount of money we were giving. When a missionary came to our church (not very often because of our small size),...
Pastoral Resources for Short-Term Mission
Posted on 1st February 2004
'Do you know of any Bible study materials for teams on short-term mission trips?'
This was a question e-mailed to me a few months ago by a member of the Short Term Missions Forum in the UK. Apparently several members of the group had searched in vain for resources to help...