'The world calls it 'bravery in the face of insurmountable odds' and when wounded soldiers eventually get home, they are welcomed as those worthy of honour because they were 'fighting for their country'.
Is this what happens when a Christian soldier, fighting against all odds with the enemy of souls, has to come home, because he/she has been wounded'? On the contrary such self-sacrifical persons so often return from the field with a great sense of failure and shame that they were not able to keep fighting on the front-line. Although they may have been 'honourably wounded' it certainly does not appear that way to them, and sometimes it is made worse by insensitive people at home, questioning their call in the first place, or suggesting since God always looks after His own, they must have somehow got out of God's will and His way. No such thing as casualties on the field for Christian workers then? Elijah was a man of like passions as we are, yet even after an incredibly successful ministry and power encounter with the enemies of God on Carmel, on a mountain top literally and spiritually, he descends to the plain, runs to the dessert for fear of his life and cries out to God 'I've had enough, take my life' I am not worthy to continue.....(1Kings 19). You know the story - God accommodates Himself to his desperate need - provides a place for him to crash out (a Juniper Tree in the AV), sleep, his food prepared by an Angel, then empowered to continue in his service for God. Jesus recognised such need for Himself and His disciples - to 'come apart and rest awhile' yet how low does this type of 'Juniper Tree', ministry rate in Christian Mission? Please believe me - very low indeed. Even many missions do not provide for their workers in this way, in spite of the fact that it is recorded in the WEA Missions Commission book 'Too valuable to lose', that one in four Christian workers have to return before their first term is completed, 'for reasons that could have been prevented'! The trouble is, with a 'Juniper Tree' type of ministry, that there is no glamour, there are no exciting reports of hundreds coming to Christ; no thrilling prayer letters - most of what goes on is behind the scenes, confidential in the sense that people need prayer. They need time to unload, they need in some cases just to be quiet and not talk to anybody, in others, to never stop talking! - because they have been shut up to themselves in a lonely situation for so long. But this hardly makes for sensational news for the average Christian who often gives because of immediate visual or emotional impact.
For 28 years now, - a Juniper Tree has been running south of Bangkok. Literally thousands of Christian workers from all over Asia have reaped the benefit, as Elijah did. Many were on there way home - stating, 'I've had enough', yet were met by the Lord, filled with His joy and His Spirit and returned to their battle to fight once again. Five years ago we were convinced that the Juniper Tree south of Bangkok was not adequate to provide a haven for the Lord's special people because for three months of the year we had to say 'sorry we are full'. So another Juniper Tree was started in Chiengmai North Thailand. An incredible miracle of His provision, the owner finally sold the property including 17 houses for half the price he had advertised it for! Now, at least 1500 Christian workers stay there each year - yet it is again too small, so the Lord provided a piece of land right next door, in order to build some small self-contained cottages so that people needing to stay for long periods (expectant Mum's and families or people with physical or spiritual problems) can feel 'at home' there. These cottages are in the process of being constructed at the present time.
We are now in serious crisis time. The Juniper Tree on the beach south of Bangkok has become unsustainable because of the rocketing rent price. So we have launched a project to purchase another property outright. You can see details and pictures on our web site www.juniper-tree.org Since He provided for JT2 in Chiengmai, we have moved ahead with this project 'Lord, our eyes are on you'. We have no answer - not to provide another place would be such a great disappointment to so many families and singles who depend upon this place year by year. Join with us in taking the Juniper Tree on your heart and asking God to work miracles for His glory and the blessing of His people. When Dr. Marjory Knowle heard about this she wrote to me stating 'we cannot let the Juniper Tree die'! You will see the latest news - unless something happens quickly, we may lose the place we had set our hearts on now for over a year. 'Happy Valley' as it now called has been sold right under our noses, but amazingly the new owner is prepared to discuss selling it to us with important deadlines regarding the cost etc. Please join with us in this rescue operation, so it may belong to the Lord's people in perpetuity.