Online Social Networking and Christian Unity

by Keno Ogbo
Posted on 1st March 2008

What has online social networking got to do with Christian Unity? Maybe a quick Bible study would help answer that question. So straight off to for a quick search using the keywords ' online', 'social', 'networking'. As you would expect, this search did not return any useable results. So on the surface, it looks like these modern trends may have no impact on the way we practice our faith? I hope you disagree, I do.

The Church is the Body of Christ. This is a widely accepted teaching in all denominations. It is strange then, that it is the only body where an arm may have no awareness that a kidney exists in the body. Or the eye has no idea what the toe is up to. Of course, it is difficult to keep up with all the functions of the body, but not to care at all about what is going on elsewhere? This seems to be the general picture of the Church today, as we are all wrapped up in our denominational structures, and our evangelism seems to consist of inviting people to come to us.

I have always viewed missions as the exception to the rule, and as a place where Christian unity can be valuable both to the churches involved and the individuals. So if missions and Christians working together go hand in hand, what could be the role of online social networking?

Paul online?

"Paul would certainly have been on Facebook"

In Paul's letters, it is obvious how much Paul valued communicating with people. Paul would certainly have been on Facebook, and he would have had lots of friends. Although, I doubt if he would have been 'poking' people or getting into 'vampire fights'. He would probably share information about other congregations, informing churches of what was happening in other places and making people understand that they are part of a wider plan. Sadly in some of today's churches, that plan does not extend beyond the four walls of their Church. Christian unity then becomes something we mentally assent to, but make no effort to pursue or increase.

Online unity?
The internet has given new life to the way we communicate. Emails, instant messaging, groups, forums, blogs and other social media have spawned a range of contributors from diverse backgrounds and interests. With a few clicks you can find out about events, activities, initiatives and news in the kingdom.

In our goal for Christian unity, the internet, or new media is a tool we cannot afford to ignore, as it makes communications so much easier and faster.

Take an example of a young member of a Church I know. He was rushed off to hospital with a life threatening diagnosis. Within the hour an email prayer request had gone out, far and wide to youth leaders, churches and friends, and a wall of prayer was built. We could not have done this without the internet.

As a member of Facebook, My Space, Bebo and after years of digg it, stumbleupon and blogging to mention a few, I have found that online social media has improved my understanding and awareness of what is going on in the Body of Christ. I feel more involved with the Christian community!.

A few benefits are: finding new friends; opportunities to learn and share; invitations to events; news and information. The internet provides a flexible and natural way for people to communicate, so how can you incorporate online social networking as part of your faith expression?

1. Join an appropriate online networking website. There are a host of networking sites on the internet based on interest, social or business networking, most of which are free to join. Spiraluniverse has produced a guide to online networking websites where you can read reviews of the main ones. This is a pre launch version of the guide. The full guide, to be launched later this year, will contain other advice and features including the safety and practical aspects of social networking.

2. Create your content. With most sites, you can build a Profile Page, contribute to discussions, post your events and even create a group.

3. Join discussions or add comments to articles. Your contribution will help other people learn more about your faith.

4. Pass information on. When you learn something new forward the link to others who may benefit from this. Remember though, that the internet is not everyone's cup of tea, and not everyone has easy access to these tools.

Last words
Most Social Networking websites are open spaces, so always take care of your personal information and except where necessary avoid putting your email address or mobile phone number, birthday, home and work addresses on the site.

Keno Ogbo was the founder of, a Christian free classified ads website which gave an opportunity to connect with other Christians across the UK.