OSCAR's Affiliate Schemes

You can support OSCAR by using the following affiliate schemes:

Select OSCAR as your supported charity on Ebay

Ebay for Charity is a system that enables you to make a small donation to OSCAR every time you sell something on eBay! Just list your items with eBay for Charity and select OSCAR as your chosen cause.

ebay for Charity

Shop through easyfundraising.org.uk

Sign up to use easyfundraising through our referral link and we receive a contribution whenever you shop through their service. You can also download their browser add-on which prompts you when you shop so you don't have to go through their website with each purchase.


Shop through Give as you Live

Sign up to use Give as you Live and select OSCAR as your chosen charity and we automatically receive a contribution whenever you shop online.


Thank you for your support.