Fit for Purpose? - Disability Legislation and Missionary Health
Posted on 1st May 2009
Any organisation sending staff to work or travel abroad has a duty of care for those individuals. Whilst the Health and Safety at Work Act and its Regulations do not apply outside Britain, an international dimension is relevant when considering the duty of reasonable adjustment under the Disability Discrimination...
Christian-Muslim Encounter: Meetings for Better Understanding
Posted on 1st May 2009
Confrontation is a frequent feature of Christian-Muslim encounter. Both faiths are missionary religions, Christians obligated by the Great Commission to share the gospel with the unsaved, Muslim compelled by the responsibilities of da'wah (Islamic mission) to seek the conversion of non-Muslims. This is especially true in the West, since Islamic...
Credit Crunch Telecoms: A New Approach to Staying Connected
Posted on 1st April 2009
Now that the recession is 'official', people are cutting back even more on unnecessary expenditure, turning away from onerous long term contracts and looking to save money wherever possible.
Increasing numbers are opting to rent rather than buy across a whole range of products from cars to laptops. But have you...
DIY Mission: A Risk to Missionary Health?
Posted on 1st April 2009
With individual churches increasingly embracing the heart of international mission, proactively fostering links with partner churches and sending out small mission teams from their congregations, the phenomena of 'DIY Mission' is definitely on the rise. Equipping churches with the knowledge and skills to manage mission partner health before, during and...
Mission work hit by Falling Pound
Posted on 1st April 2009
We want to alert you to an important issue affecting many Christian workers serving God overseas. The falling value of the pound is significantly reducing the value of donations made in UK Sterling destined for workers overseas. While supporters may still be giving the same amount, those receiving gifts overseas...
Top Ten Missionary Books
Posted on 1st March 2009
I thought that I would draw together a list of what I consider to be the Top ten books on Overseas Mission. No doubt others will disagree with the books I've listed (I may well do so myself next week); let me know your thoughts in the comments.
I've tried to...
Don't be a stranger
Posted on 1st February 2009
"Don't be a stranger." Many of us will have said this affectionately to our families and friends.
But Jesus doesn't ask us just to love those we would naturally share our lives with. Instead, he challenges us to re-evaluate who our neighbours are and to welcome those we consider to be...
Get Orientated: 10 things you need to know before going on mission
Posted on 1st January 2009
After recently giving a talk on 'orientation' someone asked me 'well, how many times have you been orientated?' When I said '14 missions with 8 agencies, over 8 years', I think they thought 'Is she commitment phobic?!'. That aside, I have experienced good, bad and mediocre orientations over my career,...
When you're not there when someone dies
Posted on 1st December 2008
When someone you love dies you feel the loss of them. Everyone responds in their own way. There is no right or wrong way to respond. Your loss is like other people's losses, just as your fingers are like others' fingers; but your loss is your own unique experience just...
Mission that doesn't cost the Earth
Posted on 1st November 2008
I was out for dinner recently with a bunch of friends, eating at a local Indian restaurant. One of them asked me about the studies that I'm currently doing and I tried to explain that it was looking at stuff in the Bible that is about the environment. 'That's really...