Learning Styles
Posted on 1st May 2010
So how was school for you? Did you find lessons and subjects easy? Were there some subjects that you never seemed to 'get'? Why did you find some lessons easier than others?
That French lesson when you sat with eyes fixed on your desk dreading the teacher asking you to answer...
Prophetic Mission
Posted on 1st April 2010
Valuing prophecy in the normal life of a missionary
Biblical Mission has often been initiated by prophetic statements and events. For example, the announcement of Jesus' mission in Luke 4: 16 - 21; the gospel going to the Gentiles in Acts 10: and Paul's Macedonian call (Acts 16: 6 - 10)....
Mission Training Online: experience@allnations
Posted on 1st February 2010
These days, a significant proportion of the population enjoy the benefits of the internet, whether it's keeping in touch through blogs and social networking sites such as Facebook or for doing some shopping or using it as a resource for the plethora of information that's out there. But when it...
Will you join The Lausanne Global Conversation?
Posted on 1st January 2010
The past 20 years have been like no other in history. Everything about the way we think and about the way we live has changed. The under-25s entered education when the concept of Truth had already become historical, even quaint. And the last quarter century has, as a result, proved...
Christian Social Networking - Fad or Future?
Posted on 1st November 2009
Almost everyone's on Facebook now. If you're not then you're probably viewed as a weirdo by the majority of folk! I was recently sent a presentation which contained the latest facts and figures about social networks. Some of them are astounding:
- If Facebook were a country, it would be the...
Wise Counsel: Help when it's needed
Posted on 1st October 2009
As Christians we will always be in the firing line. By just identifying ourselves with Christ we are open to the attack of Satan. This may arise in personal problems, work related problems or relationship problems with other people. Being Christians does not change the fact that we experience the...
Home Sweet Home
Posted on 1st September 2009
What do I mean by "home"? Occasionally I would casually ask myself that question in the many years that I was working overseas. Although there wasn't a clear-cut answer, I felt that as a single person, it was probably where my parents happened to be at the time.
When God...
School by Internet
Posted on 1st July 2009
When NorthStarUK opened its virtual doors in September 1999 we had little idea of what the Lord had in store for us. With only 12 students we actually had more tutors than pupils but we were confident that the Lord had called us to establish what was at the time...
Burnout: Ouch, it hurts!
Posted on 1st June 2009
A couple of years ago I went through burnout. After 17 years as a pastor and 5 years as a missionary it all caught up with me. Burnout is a very unpleasant experience which can seriously impact your ministry and life. I had to have a year off to recover....
Vulnerable Mission: Report on Conferences
Posted on 1st May 2009
The AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission) held a series of eight conferences in the USA and Europe between January and March 2009.(1) Below is a brief report of the outcome of those conferences. The aim of the AVM is to encourage more Western missionaries to carry out their ministry in...