GO Mission Festival
Posted on 1st February 2013
The GO2013 mission festival at Bulstode, Gerrards Cross has all that you would expect from a such an event - inspirational speakers and worship, seminars, time to pray together and a mission exhibition which includes the opportunity to explore your gifts and future vocation. But it also aims to be...
Managing Risk on Mission Trips
Posted on 1st January 2013
Faith groups and travellers have a duty to protect their missionaries and themselves on the move. Chief Executive of non-profit travel specialists Key Travel, Steve Summers, explains how.
Missionaries travel to some of the remotest and inhospitable parts of the globe. Although many trips pass without incident, risks - including the...
Learning Humility
Posted on 1st December 2012
Today's job was cleaning the windows, to make the church building appropriately shiny for a wedding tomorrow. It doesn't sound big, or dramatic. It's not what I thought of missionaries as doing before I came! But I quite liked it. It didn't involve people, and gave me some thinking space,...
What's Your Dream?
Posted on 1st November 2012
Pursuing the God Given Dream for Your Life
Each of us has desires in our heart, things we would love to accomplish. When we have fully submitted our lives to Christ, the desires of our heart align with God's desires for us. We often dream God's dreams for us without even...
Using TEFL to Spread the Gospel
Posted on 1st October 2012
When a neighbour asked me to teach English to her son I said yes. I soon realised in the lesson that I hadn't got a clue where to start....'
This is a common experience for the eager volunteer English teacher who soon finds that pitching lessons at the right level, sourcing...
Posted on 1st September 2012
Little about missionaries and bribes is readily available on-line, in printed periodicals, or in published books. The Bible is not silent on the issue of bribery, but Christians have written little about it. Missionaries living in countries where bribery is common discuss it among...
The Subtle Power of Entitlement
Posted on 1st August 2012
As a believer, a dangerous belief lurks nearby desiring to take root in our hearts.
It's subtle. It creeps in and begins to affect our emotions and our thoughts.
Phrases which start with "I" and include verbs like "deserve", "am owed", "expect", and more.
This false belief rears its head in many ways,...
Coaching for Life and Mission
Posted on 1st July 2012
"What is life coaching?" some may ask! "I know about football coaching and tennis coaching, but is that the same thing?"
A good question! And the answer is no! I do not play so much sport as I used to but I do know that a sports coach, while also...
Foreign Exchange: How to change currencies when you go abroad
Posted on 1st June 2012
If you go abroad, there are two ways you can change currencies before you leave:
1. Like it's a holiday, so you get just enough foreign currency to see you safe while you're there.
2. Like a full-scale relocation, in which case you move all you savings to a bank account abroad.
Retirement for Missionaries
Posted on 1st May 2012
It's all in the mind! Life begins at 65 (67, 70 or ...)! What a marvellous opportunity, and what vistas open up ahead! You have the advantage 'every which way' - you are now entering a new situation, with new opportunities - nothing is set in stone; there are the...