Toddlers on the Move
Posted on 1st December 2013
If you have a toddler or young child and you've moved overseas, you might have learned (as I am learning) that the adage that kids are resilient doesn't mean that change doesn't cost them. Most children might be generally adaptable, but many are firmly attached to valued routines and known,...
Why Make a Will?
Posted on 1st November 2013
"But whoever has the world's goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?" 1 John 3:17
For many Christians, the idea of making a Will to provide for your loved ones or to provide for your church/mission...
Mission without Dependency
Posted on 1st October 2013
We like to help the poor in the majority world. Nowadays we receive reports that when we try to help them we create dependency. Some people tell us not to give. Others say generosity is still the best option. This all sounds very contradictory and confusing. How should we be...
Time Management Tips for Christian Workers
Posted on 1st September 2013
Time management is a challenge for most Christian workers. The demands on their time from their workload, as well as from those that they're responsible for, can be overwhelming. Many will also have family commitments or church commitments and will be very aware that they need to maintain their own...
Things we wish we'd known before going out on mission - advice from the mission community!
Posted on 1st August 2013
We were recently reviewing some old discussions on OSCARactive and came across one called 'What you would have liked someone to have told you about before you went out on mission'. It seemed like an interesting topic so we decided to pose the question again to our members.
Here's their feedback,...
British Airways and Missionaries
Posted on 1st July 2013
Today, an airline is an airline. Gone are the days of airlines trying to impress passengers with excellent meals, great service and perks to keep you flying! While this is true in general, each airline has held onto a few of their "perks" and British Airways has retained a few...
Staying healthy whilst travelling: don't forget the basics!
Posted on 1st June 2013
Most experienced travellers will understand how important it is to get all the right jabs before departure. Most of us will also make sure we pack the appropriate clothing for the climate we're heading into. And not too many people (we hope) will forget to bring their passport and travel...
Are You at a Disadvantage Without Formal Language Training?
Posted on 1st May 2013
Research has already demonstrably proven the many benefits of language learning to young children: improved cognitive abilities, maths and language arts scores, and even science hypothesizing skills. American High school students who study language score better on the ACT and SAT, and they go on to perform better academically in...
First Impressions: 5 things I learnt on short-term mission
Posted on 1st April 2013
We asked Joanna Frith, first timer on short-term mission, to give us her initial thoughts about her experience in Romania:
1. People aren't always what they first seem
My first experience of Romanian people was at arrivals at the airport; I was struck by how people were very eager to push...
Travelling with Medications
Posted on 1st March 2013
One of the most frequent questions asked by travellers relate to carrying medicines for their own personal use across international borders. This is often prompted when stories hit the headlines describing individuals who have been imprisoned and prosecuted for being found in possession of medicines that are freely available in...