European Christian Mission
Location: Germany
Finance: Personal Support, Voluntary (Unpaid)
Duration: Less than 3 months, 3 to 12 months
Activity: Events & Networking, Practical & Technical, Relief & Development, Social Action, Support Ministries
Posted: 27 Feb 2025
Closes: Open-ended

Short Termers Needed

European Christian Mission

Lankow is a town of tower blocks, built in the 60s and 70s. Neighbours include older people who grew up in the socialist-atheist system, many of whom now live alone with little hope for the future. There are also many small families, many of whom are damaged and experience brokenness in relationships. Many people lost their jobs in 1989 when Germany was reunified, leaving them disappointed and feeling like ‘losers’ - as if they'd failed to adapt to the new political situation and dropped out of society. Our neighbours want Good News and they need to hear that they are exactly the kind of people Jesus came for. He loved the ‘loser’, lived among those on the fringe, became one of them and we want to do the same for them.

Our mission team in Lankow have a vision... see people discover that they are precious to God and that their lives matter. We want them to become part of a community where they experience love & loyalty, and learn & grow together; as God heals their brokenness and gives them a new perspective, and hope for the future..

Sharing about Jesus starts with relationships. We show up. We are present, as a family and individually, building relationships, listening with care. We look for ways to love practically in our daily lives as Jesus does. We look for ways to serve the neighbourhood and to encourage others to join us. We open up our home so others can see how we live out our faith and we have started organising more open-air activities.

Having now started setting up a community centre, we are looking for short term workers to help us with the practical work alongside the relationship building ministry. If you have a heart to serve in some way as well as get to know more about what we are doing, please get in touch. German is not essential for these short term practical trips and we hope to be able to arrange accommodation.

Please mention OSCAR when responding.

European Christian Mission

ECM is an international, interdenominational mission agency whose ministry primarily focuses on planting churches in areas of Europe where there is little or no evangelical presence.
Unit 34/35, Moulton Park Business Centre
Redhouse Road
Tel: 01604 497603