OM is regular need of marine crew to keep our ship's sailing. With an expanding fleet including Logos Hope and now, Doulos Hope, our need to recruit a pool of qualified engineers grows too.
Joining for 1-2 years (flexible time commitments will be considered) you will be providing a critical contribution to the running of this worldwide ministry. Use your gifts, skill and talents for His purposes.
Required Qualifications: STCW III/1 Marine Engineering STCW V/3 Crisis Management and Human Behaviour
For more information on these roles and to enquire, click here: Doulos Hope | Logos Hope
Please mention OSCAR when responding.
OM's Ship Ministry
OM's Ship Ministry Ships is a family of dedicated, selfless people whom God has called to offer their abilities and their heart. We depend humbly upon our global support base of faithful partners, whose prayers and finance make our service possible.