1 - 3 Apr 2025
Online (Zooom)
Admission: Fee/Ticketed
Duration: More than 1 day
Type: Training

Trauma Informed Critical Incident Response

The aim is to reduce the initial distress caused by the critical event and to foster both short and long-term coping. Our course is for anyone who would like to develop these skills as part of their work.

Over three half days, you will develop practical and effective strategies for supporting staff in the aftermath of a critical incident. You will learn to identify those at risk and in need of further support. And you will gain a good basic knowledge of stress and its impact on individuals. 


Learning Outcomes

✅ Find out how trauma impacts body and mind

✅ Identify people’s normal reactions to a crisis

✅ Use active listening to care for a team member

✅ Know when to refer someone for further support

✅ Develop self-care skills

✅ Boost the coping skills of a team

Run by Thrive Worldwide

We are committed to serving by providing clinical, learning and consultancy services so that people and organisations thrive worldwide.
The Tall House
29a West Street
Tel: 0203 974 1400