22 Mar 2025, 10am-4pm
The Wellspring, Woolpits Farm, Parkway, Ledbury. HR8 2JG
Ledbury, HR8 2JG, United Kingdom
Admission: Fee/Ticketed
Duration: 3 hours to 1 day
Type: Training
Activity: Education & Training, Evangelism & Discipleship, Hospitality
Address: Woolpits Farm

Discipleship Teaching Series | Foundations of Faith - Day Two

Foundations of Faith Day 2: Resurrection Life

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. – Romans 6:4

Join Bible teacher and former missionary Darryl Greig at The Wellspring for Day 2 of this exciting new discipleship teaching series.

Foundations of Faith is aimed at Christians who desire to go deeper in their walk with Jesus. This 4-day course, spread over 4 months, offers practical insights for living out your faith in today’s world, rooted in Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Foundations of Faith may be particularly helpful to those who have previously attended an Alpha course


Event Information

This event will be held over 4 separate Saturdays with each day running from 10am to 4pm and will include coffee on arrival, a two course lunch, plus afternoon coffee and cake.

Spaces on this event will be limited to 15.

We use Tiered Pricing as a means of subsidising those who may not afford the standard price. So, the upper (donation) price tier is used by those who wish to support those needing to make use of the lower (subsidised) price tier. The middle price tier is our standard price.


Day 2: Resurrection Life - 22nd March 2025


10:00am – 10:30am: Start – Registration/Coffee

10:30am – 11:20am: Session 1: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus – The Cross shows God’s love; Jesus is a Representative Man.

11:20am – 11:30am: Short Break.

11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Session 2: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus - Our deliverance is in Christ; The Spirit empowers us for new life; Walking it out: The Normal Christian Birth.

12:30pm – 1:40pm: Lunch.

1:40pm – 2:30pm: Session 3: Abiding in Christ – Jesus is the Vine; The Father is the Gardener; What is the fruit?

2:30pm – 2:40pm: Short Break.

2:40pm – 3:30pm: Session 4: Abiding in Christ – How do we become fruitful? Walking it out: Praying and Listening

3:30 – 4:00pm: End – Coffee/Cake


About Your Bible Teacher

Darryl Greig loves nothing more than sitting with folk in front of an open Bible. He has been teaching the Bible alongside churches and in mission contexts for over 30 years. He recently returned with his family from 8 years serving in Mozambique. Darryl is on the preaching team at his local church in Malvern, UK.


Venue Information:
If it is your first time at The Wellspring, you will find directions and other relevant info in the 'Visit Us' section of our Contact page.

Visit Event Website
For more information:
Phone: 01531 635727

Run by The Wellspring, Ledbury

The Wellspring is a Christian retreat and events centre located on the southern edge of the Malvern Hills 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty', near the market town of Ledbury in Herefordshire.
Woolpits Farm
Tel: 01531 635727