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Balham Baptist Church, London
Balham Baptist Church is a friendly, family church in the heart of Balham, London, SW12. -
BAM Global
We are a global network seeking to accelerate the Business As Mission movement by creating global forums, nurturing partner networks, and delivering essential resources.Web: bamglobal.orgLocation: United States -
Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention
August in Bangor, Northern Ireland
Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention is an annual, 9 day Missions Conference, held towards the end of August in Bangor, Northern Ireland.Tel: 02891 817 845Location: Bangor, Co. Down -
Banner Financial Services
We arrange insurance for Travel, Personal Accident, Private Medical, Life, Kidnap & Ransom, Office Buildings & Contents, Events, Legal Expenses, Liabilities, Professional Indemnity. Please contact us for a quote tailored to your circumstances. -
Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International
We seek to evangelize the lost and respond to needs by providing medical care, relief and development, and education. We send missionaries to serve short-term and long-term.Web: bmdmi.orgEmail: info@bmdmi.orgTel: 1 (601) 544 3586Location: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States -
Baptist Missions Ireland
Baptist Missions is the missionary arm of the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.Tel: 02892 619267Location: Moira, Down -
Barker & Hood Limited
Barker & Hood is a UK based freight forwarder providing a full range of global logistical services. Not just a service provider but a service partner. -
Barking Baptist Church, Essex
Barking Baptist Church is a multi-racial and multi-cultural community of people living in and around Barking. We are followers of Jesus Christ who meet together to celebrate His love, and find ways to communicate this to the community around us. -
Barnabas is part of the foundation Christian Care East West (previously Eastern Europe Shipment). The goal of Barnabas is to make young people move for the Gospel. We encourage young missionaries to reach people in a contemporary wayWeb: www.barnabas.nuLocation: Krimpen aan de Lek, Rotterdam, Netherlands -
Barnabas Community Church, Shrewsbury
We are a lively and growing all age family of Christians who want to share God's love with each other and the world around us. We are passionate about our faith and want to be a blessing to the towns and villages across Shropshire.Tel: 01743 364101Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire -
Barnabas Fund
Barnabas Fund works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians.Web: www.barnabasfund.orgEmail: info@barnabasfund.orgTel: +441672564938Location: Pewsey, Wiltshire -
Barnabas International
Barnabas International staff are passionate about shepherding global workers, and training global shepherds.
Barnabas Outreach Trust
Barnabas Outreach Trust is a Christian Mission Organisation with a ministry to equip and release people of all ages and backgrounds for evangelsim and mission by providing training and mission experience. -
Barnoldswick Gospel Mission, Barnoldswick
We are an all-age, family church located just a short walk from the town centre of Barnoldswick.Tel: 01282 851093Location: Barnoldswick, Lancs. -
Barnwell Baptist Church, Cambridge
We strongly believe that church should serve the people living nearby, and are very active in our local community. We are involved in all sorts of initiatives that enable us to express the love of God in practical ways.Tel: 01223 292454Location: Cambridge, Cambs. -
Barren to Beautiful
A blog by Rebekah Fox about barreness, infertility, motherhood and marriage, amongst other related issues.Location: United States -
Barrington Freight
Bespoke haulage and courier firm, based in Essex, providing worldwide cargo and pallet shipping solutions for all kinds of businesses and individuals. -
Barton Baptist Church, Torquay
A Torquay church with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and ages all learning together what it means to follow Jesus in today’s world.Tel: 01803 311628Location: Torquay, Devon -
Barton Community Church, Oxford
We're a church at the heart of the Barton community. We run a food bank, a listening service, and weekly small groups. Sunday @ 4, our weekly church service is back up and running now (Covid secure) with youth and kids work alongside this.Tel: 07902702867Location: Barton, Oxford -
Barton, Brigg and Wolds Methodist Circuit
Barton & Brigg Methodist Circuit is part of the Methodist Church in Britain.Location: Brigg, North Lincolnshire