Rwanda Rising From The Ashes

John Miles

This book is a biography of Ken Barham. It goes through each step of his life as it gives some detail of his parent's ministry in Rwanda and then follows Ken as he knows God's call on his life to serve the people there. Ken certainly has a passion for the Country and people of Rwanda which is evident as you read the book, even when circumstances mean a change of direction in Ken's plans and he ends up working in both the UK and Rwanda. A lot of detail is given concerning his work and achievements in the UK, and happenings on trips to Rwanda which to him are precious memories.

For someone who knows little about Rwanda the book is a real help. The insight into the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and a glimpse of how the people were affected with some real stories is sometimes shocking to read. It reveals some of the political reasons for what happened and also addresses the need for reconciliation following such an awful event.

Ken is a man loved by the Rwandan people for whom he has a God given desire to work amongst. If you have an interest in the Country it is well worth a read.

Reviewed by Debbie Fitch

Debbie Fitch works as Personnel Coordinator with UFM Worldwide.