It's Time You Left The Shore

Timothee Paton

We have already been called, already anointed and already equipped with everything we need for the journey. This short book is packed with examples from the Bible of how we are called to go. To listen to the call we have each been given and to go; to leave the shoreline and get going.

Timothée begins this challenging book by examining the call Jesus gives to Peter in Luke 5:4 when he tells him to "Go out where it is deeper and let down your nets, to catch some fish". In this opening chapter Timothée raises the challenge to the reader of whether they too like Peter remain stood on the shoreline. Cleaning their nets yes, but not using them for their real purpose - to catch fish.

"Jesus is already in the boat. He's calling you."

The main message of this book is clear. To leave the shoreline, leave behind the excuses and doubts and to leave trusting in Jesus. Trusting in Jesus for our provision and trusting in him with the knowledge that by following his call, we will catch fish.

The first chapter of this book is a very compelling and challenging call to go. In the second chapter Timothée asks the reader the question of what it is that breaks our hearts. By stopping to reflect what it is that Jesus has already placed on our hearts, we know the area God is calling us out to. With God calling us out, there is nothing that can stop us. He provides the way as you take his hand to step out into his calling for your life.

Throughout this short book, Timothée picks out the challenges from familiar stories in the Bible. A poignant challenge comes from his description of the passage in Luke 5:17 of the friends who let down a crippled man on a stretcher to take him to Jesus' feet.

"your title and position don't matter, the diplomas or degrees hanging on your office wall don't mean a thing, if you're not picking up a stretcher and bringing broken lives to Jesus."

Who are the people God has placed around us that we need to pick up on a stretcher and bring to Jesus. We are called to bring the crippled to Jesus. Another challenge comes from Elisha, who killed his Oxen and left his family and his home to follow Elijah and God's calling on his life.

The final message of this book reiterates again the need for each one of us to step out and go. If we are already on the journey of mission, this book is a great encouragement to keep going and to rest in Jesus for our strength and not to give up.

Timothée challenges us to remember the callings that have been spoken over us and the dreams we have had. This book challenges that we do not need to wait for another calling or even another confirmation but to go, regardless of the cost.

I would recommend this as a great easy to read and concisely challenging book. Let us not stay on the shoreline cleaning our nets but step out in faith trusting that Jesus has gone before and all we need to do is get going!

Reviewed by Lydie Pettifer

Lydie was previously the Office Administrator for OSCAR. Before working for OSCAR, she studied Geography with Environmental Management at University, worked for Compassion UK, attended an Iris Ministries Harvest School and spent some time in Turkey volunteering with Syrian refugees. She loves sea swimming, cooking, spending time with friends and family and going on adventures with Jesus.