Health & Medical Courses & Seminars

  • Christian Medical Fellowship

    The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ. We were formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members.
    Tel: 020 7234 9660
    Location: London
  • Christian Medical Fellowship

    The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ. We were formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members.
    Tel: 020 7234 9660
    Location: London
  • Mental Health - A Biblical Perspective - FREE Course

    Mental Health - A Biblical Perspective is a course which is one of eight courses in the 'Problems Christians Face' series.

    This course is FREE, available to download and has an exam for each lesson.

    Tel: 0151 352 9269
  • British Red Cross

    Would you know what to do in a first aid emergency? The British Red Cross offers free online workshops, accredited courses and resources to help build skills and confidence to save lives.
    Location: London
  • Eye Doc In A Box

    I want to teach you what I have learned treating patients so that you can lead a successful eye clinic medical mission trip. I want your first eye clinic to be what many of my students have experienced, "the greatest experience of their life".
    Location: Denver, North Carolina, United States
  • Redr UK

    RedR, from regional hubs, provides training, tailored support and technical expertise to NGOs, aid workers and communities responding to humanitarian crises.
    Tel: 020 7840 6000
    Location: London
  • Thrive Worldwide

    We are committed to serving by providing clinical, learning and consultancy services so that people and organisations thrive worldwide.
    Tel: 0203 974 1400
    Location: Marlow, Buckinghamshire