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More informationShowing 41 to 60 of 830 matching organisations
All India Mission
Since 1975, reaching North India with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. -
All We Can
All We Can helps find solutions to poverty by engaging with local people and organisations in some of the world’s poorest communities to end the suffering caused by inequality and injustice -
Amaha We Uganda
Led by faith - developing leaders of integrity and empowering groups to overcome poverty and injustice through fellowship, training, projects and microfinance. -
Ambassadors Football
Investing in churches, investing in people, sharing Jesus through football -
Ambassadors for Christ International
Teams of nationals accelerating the spread of the Gospel through local churches worldwide. -
Amen Trust
AMEN is a conduit for channelling resources to many overseas Christians working to make a difference in their own countries. -
Amigos International
Amigos supports Ugandans by equipping them to help themselves. Amigos’ holistic approach equips members of the community with the tools they need to become self-sufficient.
Amor Ministries
We believe that God has called us to keep families together. As we carry out this mission, we realize that building a house doesn't just provide shelter. It builds a foundation for the future.Web: www.amor.orgEmail: contact@amor.orgTel: (619) 662-1200Location: San Diego, CA, United States -
For over 20 years, we have been on a journey of helping visionaries from small businesses to large international non-profits to engage with their audience through the use of digital design and web technology.Web: www.amperative.comEmail: contact@amperative.comTel: 01275 595 000Location: Clevedon, North Somerset -
Anglican Frontier Missions
AFM plants biblically-based, multiplying, indigenous churches and dioceses among the unreached. We partner with members of the worldwide Anglican Communion and other Christians to equip and send short- and long-term missionaries. -
Anglican International Development
AID works with, through and for the Church in South Sudan; carrying out development projects, such as: training health workers, improving sanitation and giving women business opportunities through microfinance, as well as strengthening the Church itself. -
Appalachia Service Project
Appalachia Service Project is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair and replacement in Central Appalachia, US.Web: asphome.orgEmail: Serve@ASPhome.orgTel: 1 (423) 854 8800Location: Johnson City, Tennessee, United States -
Applied Biblical Christianity
ABC members come from many ethnic backgrounds. We are united with the purpose of seeing the gospel be brought to Muslims through our personal witness and our encouragement and facilitating of neighbourhood evangelism by local churchesWeb: www.aboutabc.org -
Arab World Media
Arab World Media uses strategic digital media to present the truth of the gospel and engage Muslims who are seeking, open and ready. We support believers in the Arab world through online discipleship connecting them with other believers near to them. -
Arms of Love International
The mission of Arms of Love is to give abandoned and abused children in Nicaragua and the Philippines a home, a family, and a future, with the hope that they will become the leaders of tomorrow in their communities and churches. -
Artizan International
Enabling, empowering & supporting differently-able people in the UK and overseas, creatively.Tel: 01423 561556/ 01423 50925Location: Harrogate, N. Yorks -
AsiaLink is a Christian mission agency partnering with indigenous church planters, evangelists and organisations to bring the good news of Jesus to unreached people groups and support the growth of the church across Asia. -
Assemblies of God GB
The Assemblies of God is made up of nearly 600 churches in 700 locations throughout Great Britain. We seek to empower local build churches that are relevant to people of all ages - many of our churches attract a large number of young people. -
Assemblies of God World Missions
Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) is the world missions arm of the U.S. Assemblies of God. We are fulfilling our mandate to the General Council by obeying the command of Jesus to "go into all the world and preach the gospel." -
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
ABWE is a global family of ministries dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission together with the local church. We are zealous to preach Christ and make new disciples, plant healthy churches across the globe, and multiply national leaders for Christ.Web: abwe.orgEmail: info@abwe.orgTel: 1 (800) 901 2293Location: New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States