Preparation & Orientation

Advice and course information on preparation & orientation for those planning to work in mission and ministry.

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Today's job was cleaning the windows, to make the church building appropriately shiny for a wedding tomorrow. It doesn't sound big, or dramatic. It's not what I thought of missionaries as doing before I came! But I quite liked it. It didn't involve people, and gave me some thinking space,...
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Book Reviews

"A must have and a must do book for teams who are preparing for short term missions". A review of this workbook by Tim Dearborn. Reviewed by Jaap Jansma.
Reviewed by Jaap Jansma
  • All Nations Christian College

    All Nations Christian College is an independent, evangelical, interdenominational mission training College. The purpose of All Nations is to train students in cross-cultural mission.
    Tel: 01920 443500
    Location: Ware, Hertfordshire
  • Christian Medical Fellowship

    The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ. We were formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members.
    Tel: 020 7234 9660
    Location: London
  • Christian Medical Fellowship

    The Christian Medical Fellowship unites and equips Christian doctors and nurses to live and speak for Jesus Christ. We were formed in 1949 and there are currently 5,000 doctors, 900 medical and nursing students and 300 nurses and midwives as members.
    Tel: 020 7234 9660
    Location: London
  • CMF Global Track

    Are you working in Global Health and Mission? Or are you preparing to?
    CMF Global is hosting a series of interactive online training modules. These will be collaborative, with teaching, small group work, questions and feedback. There will be time to get to know one another and the subject more thoroughly.
  • Cornerstone Centre for Intercultural Studies, Europe

    WEC International's Cornerstone College located in Beugen, Netherlands, trains you to communicate the gospel cross culturally. Besides the general biblical and theology studies, our emphasis is on missiological subjects, intercultural communication and preparation to live and work in another culture. Living in the international and intercultural community of the college is part of the training.
    Tel: +31 485 369130 (Netherlands)
    Location: Beugen, North Brabant, Netherlands
  • Jennifer Snelling Coaching, Debriefing and Training

    Coaching, debriefing and training for individuals and teams working cross-culturally. Focus areas include supporting individuals / teams navigating cultural differences and helping leaders with a coaching-style approach to leadership.
    Location: Exeter
  • Launch

    Online Training for Cross-Cultural Ministry to the Least Reached. Providing a complete road map to the first 90 days so you can confidently lay a firm foundation for a lifetime as a faithful, fruitful world changer.
    7 module digital course spread over 10 weeks of self-paced learning with videos, peer accountability groups, helpful handouts and coaching from course leader with 32 years experience in training and equipping new global workers.
  • OSCAR's 'British Culture Orientation' Course

    A one day orientation course for those from other cultures coming to minister/work in the UK.
    Location: Gloucester, Gloucs.
  • OSCAR's 'Crossing Cultures' Course

    Crossing Cultures is a one day course for people moving into a different culture. It helps them prepare for and cope better with the initial transition time. OSCAR runs various preparation and orientation courses on demand, and occasionally at different locations around the UK. Training can be tailored to suit the timing and circumstances of individuals or teams, which is particularly useful for those who don't feel that any other solution fits.
    Location: Gloucester, Gloucs.
  • Pioneer Mission Leadership Training

    The Pioneer Mission Leadership Training Course is for dreamers, doers, imaginers, activists, in other words, pioneers. It offers a variety of pathways, from individual modules to doctoral research programmes. 
    Tel: 01865 787400
    Location: Oxford
  • Amnos Church Planting School

    Amnos Church Planting School is a unique training college serving the UK and Europe. Our one-year Certificate in evangelism, church planting and church growth equips students through interactive lectures/seminars and practical experience. The course is the most extensive programme of its type and aims to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence in men and women for their God-given task and calling to His Great Commission. Based in Brentwood UK.
    Location: Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire
  • Belfast School of Theology

    Equipping followers of Jesus for missional impact through theological education and spiritual development within a vibrant academic and worshipping community.
    Tel: 02890 301551
    Location: Belfast, County Antrim
  • BushProof

    Based in Madagascar, BushProof organises regular training events which include both theoretical and practical hands-on aspects of Bio-sand filtration, and Water and sanitation (WATSAN) for development and emergencies. In addition, BushProof also has experience in creating tailor-made training for specific situations.
    Location: Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • Capernwray Bible School and Holiday Centre

    Capernwray is a Bible School and Christian holiday centre based in Northwest England.
    Tel: 01524 733908
    Location: Carnforth, Lancashire
  • Children in Families

    Children in Families (CIF) is a Christian local Cambodian NGO, registered with the Ministry of the Interior since 2009, dedicated to providing high-quality family-based care for orphans and vulnerable children in Cambodia.
    Tel: +855 31 4323 223
    Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre

    We are a small, friendly Christian Healing Centre where a warm welcome is offered to all. Situated just 4 miles from the coast in the Sussex High Weald. The beauty, peace and comfort of this place create an ideal setting in which to draw closer to God.
    Tel: 01424 830033
    Location: Battle, East Sussex
  • DTS (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM Seamill

    DTS is a 6-month missions program. Get to know God more and make Him known in the nations. You will get trained as a missionary, centre your life on Jesus, learn to hear God’s voice and get sent into the nations to share the Good News!
    Tel: 01294 829400
    Location: West Kilbride, Ayrshire
  • ELAN

    Elan offers a three-year program that includes spiritual formation, mentoring by a French partner, and coaching during the period of cultural adaptation.
    Tel: +33 2 64 78 95 23
    Location: Lyon, France
  • Ellel Ministries

    Ellel Ministries is a non-denominational international Christian ministry that seeks to serve the Body of Christ by offering practical biblical teaching and prayer ministry and by training and equipping people to become more effective in helping others.
    Tel: 01524 751651
    Location: Lancaster, Lancashire
  • Equip

    EQUIP is a 9-month training program which prepares participants to serve in the hardest-to-reach places and people groups. Our training occurs in Armenia, a country surrounded by nations hostile to the gospel. Seasoned TRIAD staff members teach methods to penetrate the barriers of the unreached world and enable participants to thrive amidst the adversity of a missional life.
    Location: Yerevan, Armenia
  • Ethical Communications Online Learning Course with Rok Kern Learning Academy

    Going on a mission trip, for sure our friends, church and family member can't wait to hear from us. This course will give us a tool to reflect on “An image tells a thousand stories” with dignity and respect as they are equally created by God. And help participants to understand the complexities of communication in a cross cultural setting and help them to establish the importance of the key ideas of dignity and informed consent and to equip them to communicate ethically.
    Tel: +855 31 4323 223
    Location: Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • Evangelical Training Directory

    The Evangelical Training Directory aims to present the training of all evangelical Bible Colleges and worldwide. It is endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance.
    Tel: +44193583562
    Location: Dorchester, Dorset
  • FieldPartner

    FieldPartner is a training and support platform for cross-cultural workers in the pre-field, on-field and post-field seasons of their service, featuring courses, blogs, podcasts, sermons and more! We are also a portal to other partner organisations.
    Location: Reading, Berkshire
  • ForMission

    ForMission equips Christian Leaders to transform their communities through accredited training, thought leadership and missional support.
    Tel: 0121 458 5240
    Location: Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Global Connections Training Directory

    Find training to prepare you for involvement in cross-cultural mission, church-based ministry, or for work with a Christian charity or mission agency in the UK or internationally.
    Location: Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
  • Global Horizons

    Global Horizons is based in the UK but working internationally, whose objective is to train people to take the Christian message to the nations in the 21st century.
    Location: Rugby, Warwickshire
  • GMMI Step Program

    The STEP Program is an 8 month, multi-faceted mission mobilization strategic training opportunity, taking place within an unreached people group context, providing a well-rounded experience focusing on Spiritual Discipleship, Tools for Mobilization, Education in Mission and Practical Office Experience. Each element serves the overall goal of empowering participants to go deep with God and learn more about their role and place in serving Him in the mission mobilization movement.
    Location: Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Insanity Unleashed

    “Insanity Unleashed” is a video-based, multi-hour, game-changing resource focused on the issues surrounding how to do effective ministry in places of intense persecution or environments defined by freedom to practice one’s faith.
    This series includes 19 sessions with 20 hours of teaching video from Nik Ripken.
    Location: KY, United States
  • International Bible Training Institute

    The IBTI's vision is to empower a young generation to effectively function in Christian service. This vision is accomplished by receiving students from many parts of the world, training them and releasing them into mission, back home and abroad.
    Tel: 01444 233173
    Location: Burgess Hill, West Sussex
  • International Missionary Training Network

    Under the auspices of the WEA Missions Commission, this site provides links to training materials and publications for download in pdf format.
  • Kwintessential

    Kwintessential are a UK based Christian owned company who provide information and services to the international business community on cross-cultural issues and translation.
    Tel: 01460 279 900
    Location: London
  • Learn Direct

    This site enables you to search for courses on just about any subject, some of which are conducted either by correspondence or via the Internet.
    Location: Bournemouth
  • Links2Culture

    Links2Culture is a community of Christians with extensive cross cultural experience who are passionate about training others to cross cultures as followers of Christ.
  • Literacy & Evangelism International

    Drawing upon 50 years of history, LEI's training incorporates years of valuable experience from literacy and English language classes around the world. LEI equips the Church through a variety of literacy and English language training events.
    Tel: +1 918 585 3826 (USA)
    Location: Tulsa, OK, United States
  • London School of Theology

    LONDON SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY (LST) is an evangelical academic learning community called to equip and encourage one another to be disciples of Jesus Christ.
    Tel: 01923 456000
    Location: Northwood, Middlesex
  • Mission Trip Academy

    Learn how to successfully prepare for, plan and stay organized for your mission trip. Online course program includes blueprint with a simple timeline and robust resources. Fundraising tools, passports/visas guidance and much more. A must-have for anyone involved in missions.
    Tel: +1 619 849 8850 (USA)
    Location: United States
  • Moorlands College

    Moorlands specialises in the transformation and equipping of people, passionate about Jesus, to impact the church and the world. All our degree courses are validated by the University of Gloucestershire.
    Tel: 01425 674500
    Location: Christchurch, Dorset
  • N Davey - Video Production and Training services

    I am a former TV Director and mission agency Video Manager. I now make videos for mission agencies, churches and charities. I run 1, 2 and 5 day video training courses helping mission workers communicate their ministries and provide supporter video updates.
    Tel: 07752 243046
  • Nazarene Theological College, Manchester

    Various courses are offered including a 1 year MA in Mission Studies (Global/Urban Mission).
    Tel: 0161 445 3063
    Location: Didsbury, Manchester
  • North Cotes College

    North Cotes College is New Tribes Mission (NTM)’s European Bible College and Missionary Training Centre, located on the coast of Lincolnshire, England. North Cotes College offers a full range of biblically based missionary training all in one location.
    Tel: 01472 387711
    Location: Grimsby, Lincs
  • Oak Hill College

    Oak Hill exists for healthy churches. To help train and sustain Christlike leaders of all kinds who are trustworthy with God’s word, love people - both those in their care and the lost - and lead with skill and wisdom.
    Tel: 020 8449 0467
    Location: Southgate, London
  • One Another Ministries

    Providing professional training, consulting, counseling, and resourcing for the development and care of Christian Mission organizations and their members. Based in Staffordshire.
    Tel: 01543 878656
    Location: Cannock, Staffs
  • Open Doors International Language School (ODILS)

    Open Doors International Language School is a faith based charitable social enterprise that exists to serve and enable individuals and communities isolated by language and culture both in the UK and overseas.
    Tel: 01752 258770
    Location: Plymouth, Devon
  • Perspectives

    Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a dynamic twelve lesson course which will introduce you to God's incredible purposes for all nations, and how you can find your part in his plans. Courses have taken place throughout the UK and it can also be conducted completely online.
    Location: Pasadena, CA, United States
  • Preparing for a Short-term Mission Trip

    This webpage has some good advice for those preparing for or going on a short-term mission trip.
    Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States
  • Roles in Missions

    This course is not only about “how to become a missionary”. Rather, it shows you that there are many ways you can contribute to help finish the task, and that not everyone needs to be come a pastor or missionary. We will also look at the concept of ‘calling’, and share some ideas for steps you can take to contribute to God’s plan to reach the world.
  • The Holy Spirit House

    We are a Catholic fraternity located in Toulon, France, whose main goal is to heal, form and empower Christians in order to serve the Kingdom of God.
    We have a Mission School called 'New Pentecost'.
    Tel: 0698774903
    Location: Solliès-Toucas, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
  • The Missions Academy

    The Missions Academy offers comprehensive and dynamic online training to equip YOU to live out the mission of God every day and everywhere.
    Location: Allendale, NJ, United States
  • The Proclamation Trust

    The Proclamation Trust serves the local church by promoting the work of biblical expository preaching in the UK and further afield.
    Tel: 020 7407 0561
    Location: London
  • Tilsley Bible College, GLO Europe

    Our 9 month training course is unique!
    Our college is part of GLO Europe - a mission agency working across many countries in Europe and linked with other GLO missions worldwide. As a result we are a place of many backgrounds and cultures.
    Tel: 01698 266776
    Location: Motherwell, N. Lanarkshire
  • Touch the World

    Touch the World provides training and mission trips focused on poverty, culture, and mission with the intention of equipping youth for their everyday context.
    Tel: (201) 760-9925
    Location: Allendale, NJ, United States
  • Trinity College, Bristol

    Come and join us at beautiful Trinity College! (Fabulous community, stunning grounds and great lunches included...) We're a theological college with a passion to see people embrace the call to ‘Live like the kingdom is near’.
    Tel: 0117 968 2803
    Location: Stoke Bishop, Bristol
  • Union School of Theology

    UST is for anyone who wants to grow both spiritually and academically – in their understanding of the Christian gospel, in their ministry skills, and in personal formation.
    Tel: 0330 123 4446/ 01656 6454
    Location: Bridgend, Bridgend County
  • Unreached Network

    The Unreached Network exists to co-ordinate best practice in cross-cultural mission across the global Newfrontiers family. Under the ‘Unreached Network’ umbrella we offer training, resources, connection to help equip churches to send and support cross-cultural partners, to equip church planting teams for contextual effectiveness, and to interact with the wider missions conversation.
  • Veritas College International

    Empowering churches to train their own leaders to interpret Scripture and to apply and minister it in their own context.
    Location: Rochford, Essex
  • YWAM Orlando School of Mission

    The School of Cross Cultural Missions will get you get off to the best possible start in cross-cultural frontier mission. School runs in April and September. Staff and lecturers have significant field experience. We have field contacts to place you in missions. We can talk to you about opportunities. When you finish this school you will be confident to GO!
    Location: Orlando, FL, United States
  • YWAM Scotland Training

    Youth with a Mission Scotland run various programmes designed to prepare Christians for mission work in the UK and overseas.